Why Your Belly Fat Doesn’t Melt: 5 Reasons

To get rid of belly fat, certain mistakes have to be prevented, otherwise this goal is an impossible thing. 

Why your belly fat won't melt: 5 reasons

Are you wondering why your belly fat is not melting even though you stick to a strict diet and get enough exercise?

In that case, we recommend reading this post because here are 5 possible reasons why your belly fat isn’t melting away . Maybe losing weight is a lot easier than you think if you do it right!

Often times, simple changes are enough to be successful. Improve your diet and lifestyle habits to actually achieve your goal.

1. Why is your belly fat not melting? Maybe the protein in your diet is not right

Getting the right amount of protein every day is essential if you want to stay healthy and lose weight.

To get rid of belly fat, you should regularly include the following foods in your diet to get enough protein:

  • fish
  • chicken
  • Turkey
  • vegetables
  • legumes

Cut down on red meats and cheeses as much as possible. 

1. Why is your belly fat not melting? You are not doing the right training

Why is your belly fat not melting away?  You are not doing the right training

Exercise and regular exercise are always beneficial, but if you do the right exercises, you can burn the unsightly and unhealthy fat on your stomach faster and easier.

Combine cardio and strength training.

Abdominal muscle training with cycling or beetle crunches

  • Abdominal training with exercises like cycling or beetle crunches are excellent for building six pack abs and obliques.
  • You lie with your back on the floor, your arms are bent and are behind your head.
  • Now bring your right knee up to your chest while lifting your shoulders off the floor and bringing your left elbow up to your knee.
  • Then switch sides as if you were cycling.

Russian twist or Russian twist

Russian twist

This abdominal exercise is very useful for training the entire abdominal area, especially  the side areas. 

  • To get the most out of it, you can use a dumbbell or ball to challenge the muscles more.

Exercise with a medicine ball

The abdominal area can also be trained with a medicine ball. However, it is important to maintain a stable posture.

  • The medicine ball is located in the lower area of ​​the back and supports it. The arms are behind the head.
  • To lift your upper body,  you now have to tense your abdominal muscles and move your hips slightly backwards.
  • The ball must always remain stable, which makes the exercise difficult at first.

Lateral crunch: training the obliques

Exercising the obliques
  • Lie with your back on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor. Now cross your legs and support your head with your arms.
  • Now you bend your upper body and bring it to your knee. Since the legs are crossed,  the lateral abdominal muscles are particularly intensively trained. 

3. Why your belly fat isn’t melting and what the immune system has to do with it

In some cases, the immune system can make losing belly fat difficult. You should find out if this is the case for you.

Autoimmune diseases are usually treated with corticosteroids such as prednisone or cortisone. These drugs can cause weight gain and love handles in the abdomen.

If you have an autoimmune disease and you gain weight on your stomach, it is most likely due to the medicines mentioned. Once treatment is done, the situation will likely return to normal.

4. Why is your belly fat not melting? Maybe light products are to blame

Woman recommends fruits and vegetables and wonders why your belly fat is not melting

If you only consume low-fat foods,  you can get exactly the opposite effect and gain weight!

Although light products contain less fat, they usually contain more sugar and other unhealthy additives that stick to the hips.

5. Why is your belly fat not melting? Maybe because you don’t have breakfast

It is not recommended to skip any of the main meals. Breakfast is particularly important to start the day healthy and energized.

If you do not, your metabolism will slow down and more fat will be deposited in the abdominal area.

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