What Helps Against Cellulite?

The older the woman, the greater the likelihood that cellulite will occur.

What helps against cellulite?

Cellulite is also called orange peel, which is a very pictorial description of what it looks like on the thighs and buttocks when cellulite occurs.

Cellulite is not a disease, but simply a predisposed (i.e. hereditary) weakness of the connective tissue. Common but true: men have a different connective tissue structure and very rarely suffer from cellulite. And if so, then more on the stomach than on the bottom!

The older the woman, the more likely it is that cellulite will occur. Statistically, 80-90% of all women will have cellulite at some point in their life.

Sooner or later pretty much everyone! But there are a few tips that will ensure that cellulite is less pronounced – or only in later years of life:


Avoid being overweight

Cellulite occurs at a very young age in overweight girls. The more fat has to be stored in the connective tissue, the more pronounced the cellulite appears. The less fat you have on your buttocks and thighs, the less intense the cellulite will be.

Weight reduction is therefore absolutely necessary in order to keep cellulite as low as possible.

Since overweight is also responsible for a large number of secondary diseases and health risks, one should not only pay attention to a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and little fat for optical reasons – cellulite reasons.

If the weight stays within limits, so does the cellulite!


Lymphatic drainage

The body stores water for hormonal reasons. These are the days when you step on the scales and find that you have gained weight without having eaten more. No panic! In a woman’s cycle, it is normal for up to 2 liters, i.e. 2 kilos (!) Of water to be stored in the body.

And this in the connective tissue, i.e. where you see the lines and dents in cellulite. Lymph drainage can therefore cause the water that has accumulated in the connective tissue to dissolve.

The connective tissue then appears less swollen and the individual “ridges” between the “dents” of the cellulite are less visible.

Avoid heat

When it is very hot, all the vessels in the body expand. Also that of the connective tissue. The body tries to enlarge its body surface in order to obtain a larger evaporation surface for sweat in order to be able to cool more effectively when sweating. How does he do that?

He stores water. And that into the connective tissue. And that is “nicely” visible on the thighs and buttocks in the case of cellulite. A noticeable effect of this water retention are, for example, “heavy legs”, swollen feet or hands – and more pronounced cellulite.

If it is hot, stay mainly in air-conditioned rooms to signal to your body: “Water retention is pointless”.

fruit salad

Strengthening the connective tissue

Connective tissue is made up of collagen fibers. The more solidly these structures are built, the less fat can store between them and less cellulite is created. The collagen fibers need certain nutrients and vitamins to be built up well: Vitamin C is one of them.

For the sake of your figure and your love handles, you should pay attention to a lot of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet anyway. Your connective tissue is also happy about it! And ultimately you too when you look in the mirror! Five servings of fruits and vegetables are a minimum.

The more colorful the better! Try to incorporate five different colors of fruits and vegetables into your diet on a daily basis. This not only helps against cellulite!

Climb stairs


Sport is murder … for your cellulite! It doesn’t have to be competitive sport to tighten your connective tissue, but chips on the sofa have not yet made orange peel off your thighs! Try to incorporate more exercise into your everyday life.

Make sure that the muscles of the buttocks and thighs are stressed: Climbing stairs, cycling, walking – no extreme sports, no club sports, just do it on the way to work!

Even if you don’t think about sports, you can still do sports: how about squats in front of the sink while brushing your teeth? Park the car further away from home or work? Impose an elevator ban? Inflate the bike again?

It doesn’t have to be a sports studio, you don’t need expensive sports equipment: it is only important that the blood circulation in the “problem zone” is stimulated through movement and the connective tissue is tightened.

Small side effect: more exercise means more basal metabolic rate – the scales also go down!


Cellulite Creams?

Advertising is a master at making miracles believable to us. Now that you know what cellulite is and how it arises: do you still believe in creams that melt fat by rubbing in or tighten connective tissue?

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