Vitamin B6: Health Benefits

A deficiency in vitamin B6 can lead to health problems such as anemia or skin changes. But why is this vitamin so important? What are its advantages and functions? Find out more about it afterwards!

Vitamin B6: Health Benefits

Vitamin B6  is a water-soluble vitamin and is therefore not stored in the body. If there is too much of it, it is expelled through the urine. It is therefore important to get this vitamin regularly through your diet.

It is found in meat and fish. It is also characteristic of starchy foods such as potatoes and various types of fruit. Vitamin B is also contained in many food supplements in the form of pyridoxine. 

Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to anemia, itchy rashes, dry lips, cracks in the corners of the mouth, and swelling of the tongue. In addition , a B6 deficit has been linked to depression, confusion, and a weak immune system. 

Which functions does vitamin B6 take on in the organism?

Which functions does vitamin B6 take on in the organism?
Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the prevention of various diseases. Besides, it is also very important to protect cognitive health.

There is sufficient evidence  that this vitamin has very positive effects on the organism in the correct dosage  . Then we name the most important health-promoting properties:

  • B-complex vitamins generally reduce the risk of heart disease as they lower homocysteine ​​levels. However, supplementing this vitamin does not reduce the risk of heart disease if the dietary intake is sufficient. This is evident from recent scientific studies.
  • People who take low levels of vitamin B6 are at greater risk of  developing cancer in the digestive tract. One example is colon cancer, as is evident from a study in the journal World Journal of Gastroenterology published .
  • It was also found that a high level of vitamin B6 in the blood improves memory. However, nutritional supplementation with this vitamin does not appear to be effective in improving cognitive functions in patients with dementia.
  • It is believed that vitamin B6 could have a positive effect on premenstrual syndrome. Various articles suggest that  supplementing with this vitamin could reduce symptoms. It is also intended to alleviate temperature changes, irritability and concentration disorders.
  • Taking this vitamin with a doctor’s prescription is recommended to  relieve nausea and nausea during the first few months of pregnancy. 

Vitamin B6: what happens in the event of an overdose?

Overdosing is very unlikely to result in poisoning. Since it is a water-soluble vitamin, it is excreted in the urine. This is why concentrations in the body are not usually too high if dietary supplements are not ingested. However, uncontrolled dietary supplementation could lead to poisoning.

It is a major health problem that can damage the nervous system and affect control of body movements. On the other hand,  skin reactions, increased sensitivity to light, nausea and heartburn can also result. 

Drug interaction

Dietary supplements containing vitamin B6 can cause various drug interactions:

  • For example, care should be taken with antibiotics such as cycloserine. This drug is used to treat tuberculosis. In combination with vitamin B6,  cramps can worsen and nerve cells can be damaged.
  • Drugs used to treat epilepsy can reduce vitamin B6 levels.
  • Taking theophylline to treat asthma  can also lead to decreased vitamin B6 levels and cramps. 

Daily requirement of vitamin B6

Daily requirement of vitamin B6
The daily requirement for this vitamin is usually met with a varied and healthy diet. In some cases, however, supplementation is recommended; in normal situations, the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) can be followed.  But it can also happen that the body’s needs are increased. This is the case, for example, with a hyperprotean diet, as this vitamin promotes protein breakdown.

On the other hand, it can be important to increase your vitamin B6 intake if your blood sugar levels are uncontrolled. In the event of anemia, it is also beneficial to control the intake of this micronutrient. In addition, it should be noted that the latest studies on this vitamin show that its antioxidant effects, as well as its association with complex diseases, are dubious. It is believed that both the deficit and the surplus can have negative consequences. But more studies are needed to establish the link to certain types of cancer.


Vitamin B6 has various functions in the organism. Under normal circumstances  , however, dietary intake is sufficient. In some special cases, however, a dietary supplement can be recommended to correct a deficiency or to prevent illness.

However, one should never take too many  multivitamin supplements. It is best to seek help from your doctor or nutritionist before taking any dietary supplement. If you experience symptoms such as nausea, you should stop taking the dietary supplement.

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