Tomato Treatment For Oily Skin

Tomato treatment can be a good remedy for acne and excessive oil production. How is it used? What is to be considered? We’ll go into this in detail in today’s article.

Treatment with tomato for oily skin

This simple tomato treatment will make your skin firm and supple. In addition, tomatoes can help with blemishes and pimples. Although all skin problems should generally be treated by a dermatologist, tomatoes can be useful as a complementary treatment.

Both oily skin and  acne can occur due to hormonal imbalances, certain medications, stress, and many other factors. As a publication in the  Canadian Medical Association Journal points out, choosing the right therapy is therefore not always easy.

As a result, there are  now numerous topical products and systemic therapies that can promote better skin appearance. However, these should be prescribed by a professional taking into account the cause of the acne and the type of skin. Then how useful is it for you to have a tomato treatment at home?

Benefits of the tomato for the skin

The use of tomatoes as a skin treatment comes mainly from popular culture. Although some studies have been done to examine the effects of tomatoes on the skin, the evidence on its effectiveness is limited. In fact, there is no research showing the tomato’s effectiveness on problems such as acne.

However, due to its high water and antioxidant content, the tomato seems like a great option for regulating excessive oil production and preventing pore clogging. This way, you can reduce the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

Research published in  Scientific Reports suggests that the lycopene content in tomatoes could also help mitigate the effects of oxidative stress and UV rays. Therefore, continuously treating the skin with tomatoes could also help reduce the risk of premature aging.

Tomato treatment to cleanse the pores

Enlarged pores can have several causes. While they cannot be “sealed” as such, you can still optimize their appearance if you cleanse your skin properly. In this case  , we recommend using a tomato mask in addition to your usual care products

Tomato - brush and wooden spoon
Tomatoes cannot close the pores. However, due to its water and antioxidant content, it helps improve the appearance of enlarged pores.


  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste (16 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of honey (10 g)
  • 1 cotton pad

Preparation and use

  • Mix all of the ingredients together and then apply this mixture to the skin of your face in circles with a little cotton wool.
  • Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash off with cool water. Then do this treatment every morning.

    Tomato used to treat acne

    Acne is a disease with multiple causes. In order to find an effective treatment, dermatological advice is therefore essential. Of course, as a complement to traditional treatment, you can try some traditional natural remedies. As we mentioned earlier, the tomato seems like a great option because of its properties.


    • 1 tomato cut in half

    Preparation and use

    • Massage the inflamed skin gently in circular movements with the halved tomato and then leave everything on for 10 to 15 minutes.
    • Then rinse with cool water.

    Note: Be sure to apply sunscreen to your face after this treatment

    Tomato for oily skin

    The overproduction of oil can be due to a hormonal imbalance, genetic or environmental factors. While using a tomato mask won’t help cure this condition, it can be a good tool to help your skin look fresher, at least temporarily.

    Tomato - oily skin close-up
    Oily skin should be treated by a dermatologist. However, a mask with tomato can temporarily improve the greasy appearance.


    • 1 tablespoon tomato paste (16 g)
    • 10 cucumber slices (50 g)

    Preparation and use

    • Peel the tomato and cucumber. Cut the cucumber into slices and puree them together with the tomato with a hand blender.
    • Then, apply the mixture to the skin with a cotton ball. Make sure that all areas are well covered.
    • Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash off with cold water.
    • You can repeat this treatment three times a week.

    If you get irritated skin, stop the treatment immediately

    Since there is not yet sufficient and solid evidence for the use of tomatoes on the skin, you should – as with any other product – use them with caution. Therefore, it is recommended that you do a test on a small area of ​​skin before fully applying it.

    If you experience an unpleasant reaction, you should definitely stop treatment. Still, it can be said that for most people tomato is a safe ingredient that can be used on a regular basis.

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