To Be Happy Without A Partner?

Personal balance and maturity are crucial in order to be able to grow together in a relationship. To be happy with a partner, you must first love yourself.

Be happy without a partner?

Be happy without a partner ? The answer is of course yes. Even if many think that this is only possible in a relationship, that is far from it.

The single life without a partner also has numerous advantages and can of course be very fulfilling as well as happy! 

Benefits of being single without a partner

You surely know someone who is desperately trying to find a partner. Many feel like “outsiders”. You dream of happiness together, hand in hand with a partner, ideally for a lifetime.

However, being in a partnership does not automatically mean being happy. Individuals who suffer from loneliness do not have the ability to be happy with themselves and to live in harmony.

Living single is an opportunity for personal growth.  Of course, a partnership can also lead to happiness. To be able to give love, one must first love oneself.

A balanced, mature personality is essential to being happy.  Alone or as a couple. With self-respect, you can respect yourself and others. Below we list a few advantages of being single.

1. Listen to yourself and get to know yourself


Those who don’t have a partner can learn better to listen to themselves. Use the time for introspection and contemplation. So you can understand what you really like and what you want for yourself.

In a relationship, many care more about the partner than they do themselves and seek satisfaction in the needs of the loved one. Your own demands often fall behind, which is not necessarily positive over time.

Living single enables a little more healthy egoism. You should take care of yourself, listen to yourself and find harmony in your own solitude. Learn to listen to yourself and to love yourself!

2. Time to grow as a person

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Relationships that end traumatically take away your optimism and zest for life. But now is the time to find yourself. This is how you can grow and heal your wounds. You can then find new goals in life.

Think about which people you want in your life and what else you never want to allow again. Think of all those things that you have wanted to do for a long time and enjoy this time!

Learn to love you Realize that you are wonderful and that you can find great happiness on your own!

3. Time for friends and hobbies



Hobbies and favorite activities bring great satisfaction and fulfillment.  Painting, learning languages, taking courses and learning new things … Do what you like and enjoy this freedom!

In a relationship, many forego favorite activities in order to have more time for their partner. Now you can do what you always wanted to do without having to give explanations. 

A trip with friends or alone or other activities that you enjoy. Being single is not a negative. Enjoy the time, for example, with your friends, your family, your pet and above all with yourself. You are now the focus.

4. Time to feel fulfilled

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Those who insist on being happy with only one partner will feel empty until they reach that goal. This is a mistake. You don’t need a “better half” to be complete.

If you feel fulfilled and complete, a partnership will also be nicer and easier – if it happens later on by chance. Incidentally, a partner does not have to be the “better half” either. Every person is unique with their flaws and virtues.

Everyone can be happy with or without a partner. Personality, self-esteem, inner beauty and a good leisure time lead to happiness. Laugh at yourself in front of the mirror and don’t forget that your happiness depends only on yourself.

As mentioned earlier, having a partner does not automatically or necessarily mean being happy. Some relationships are toxic and depressing, then it’s definitely better to be alone.

So it is best to enjoy the single life and the freedom and then leave all doors open. Love is an adventure that is always worthwhile, but you should always cherish and cherish your own heart.

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