The Dry Eye Syndrome: 5 Helpful Tips

A dry eye can have many causes. Therefore, it is advisable that you consult a professional for a confirmed diagnosis. In mild cases, some natural remedies can help.

The dry eye syndrome: 5 helpful tips

Dry eye syndrome  occurs when the tear secretion necessary to moisten the eyes is not sufficient. In principle, anyone can have dry eyes at any given time . There is also a connection with diseases such as diabetes or so-called “passive smoking”.

Your eyes are generally very delicate organs. Therefore, they also react to external factors such as air pollution. And if we take the fact that the body works as a whole, it becomes obvious that your general health also has an impact on your eyes. Therefore, a weakened immune system can also lead to this syndrome.

Given the many factors involved, it is  important that you see an ophthalmologist for an appropriate exam and appropriate treatment once the diagnosis is made. If your dry eye is only causing mild discomfort, some basic skin care products and natural remedies can help calm it down. In today’s article we want to give you 5 tips that you can use to get relief.

The dry eye syndrome: symptoms and causes

In most cases, dry eye syndrome occurs in people who are otherwise in good health. I m Over the years, this condition occurs with increasing frequency, particularly when elderly. This can in large part be due to hormonal changes that occur over time.

Risk factors

  • Working or prolonged stay in a dry environment (either due to strong winds or air conditioning)
  • Constant exposure to the sun
  • Smoking or passive smoking
  • The intake of cold or allergy medication
  • Wearing contact lenses
  • Chemical burns to the eye
  • After an eye operation
  • The use of eye drops for other eye diseases
  • Immune system disorders. This can affect the lacrimal glands.

    Dry eye syndrome: symptoms

    Before we talk about what symptoms are common, it’s important to rule out other causes and problems first. For example, an allergic reaction or an eye infection.

    According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology  , some of the symptoms of this syndrome are:

    • Blurred vision
    • Itchy and burning eyes
    • Foreign body sensation in the eye
    • Photosensitivity
    • a headache
    • Bonded eyes
    • Pain when wearing contact lenses

    In addition, the above source states that the ophthalmologist may prescribe the use of artificial tear fluid and prescription drugs in the form of eye drops. The treatment method chosen will largely depend on the cause of the dry eye. While some home remedies can help, you should still see a doctor first for an accurate diagnosis.

    green eyes
    In addition to dryness, this syndrome causes eye irritation, blurred vision, and headaches.

    Remedies for treating dry eye syndrome

    The means for the treatment of dry eye syndrome are solutions of natural origin that soothe ailments such as irritation and itching. However, we would like to point out that many of these remedies are traditional home remedies and that there is insufficient scientific evidence to clearly demonstrate their safety and effectiveness.

    Still, those who have already tried these home remedies confirm that they are safe to use and have beneficial effects. Therefore, we now want to look at some home remedies that you will surely have at home and that you can try as an additional treatment.

    1. Black tea bags

    There aren’t any studies to show that black tea can fight dry eyes. However, an external application can be beneficial. According to information published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research , black tea contains polyphenols and has anti-inflammatory effects.

    • All you have to do is make yourself some black tea.
    • Once it has cooled, place the tea bag over your closed eyes for about 20 minutes.

    2. Chamomile

    According to a publication in  Molecular Medicine Reports  , chamomile is a plant with important medicinal uses. According to these data, due to its flavonoid content, it has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and  helps improve eye health in the event of irritation and dryness.

    In this case, the procedure is the same as for black tea:

    • Boil two tablespoons of chamomile (20 g) with a glass of water (200 ml).
    • As soon as the tea is ready, let it cool down a bit. When the water is lukewarm, soak a few cotton pads in the liquid.
    • Close your eyelids and place the cotton pads on your closed eyes.
    • Leave on for 10 to 20 minutes.
    Chamomile for dry eye syndrome
    Anecdotal evidence suggests that chamomile has a calming effect on eye irritation.

    3. Vitamin supplements

    In addition to the natural remedies discussed above,  it is necessary to follow a diet that contains the correct nutrients.  As we mentioned at the beginning, one of the causes of dry eye syndrome could be a weakened immune system.

    The consumption of foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, contributes  , according to a randomized controlled study published in the International Journal of Ophthalmology Press was published, to alleviate this condition in. 

    We explain why:

    • Flaxseed oil and fish oil contain omega-3 fatty acids. These help treat dysfunction in the meibomian glands and promote the rapid evaporation of tears.
    • In addition, these fatty acids will help you reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
    Woman with dry eye syndrome
    Regular eye rest is vital in relieving the symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

    5. Cucumber for moisturizing and freshening the eyes

    Finally, one of the most popular home remedies: place a slice of cucumber over each eye. The calming effect of cucumber is due to its content of water, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

    However, we want to point out that there is no scientific evidence to prove the positive effects on dry eye syndrome. The supposed advantages result from anecdotal data.

    • First you cut off some cucumber slices. Then you put these on your eyes.
    • Repeat this treatment up to twice a day.

    Dry eye syndrome: medical advice is important

    Although the home remedies we introduced to you today can help provide temporary relief from symptoms of dry eye syndrome, you should still consult a professional to avoid complications. He will also prescribe further treatment for you if necessary.

    When you see an ophthalmologist, they will first do some tests. He will then tell you what you can do to alleviate your symptoms. Therefore, you should always seek medical advice!

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