Signs Of A Toxic Partner

At first it may seem that certain behaviors are due to affection and attention, but you should be objective and open your eyes!

Signs of a toxic partner

A person can cause psychological and emotional harm to others without being aware of it or wanting to do so  . When we speak of a toxic partner, it is one who does not allow you to develop further, demands explanations from you all the time, and prevents you from meeting those you love.

But the signs are not always that explicit, they can also be less  clear and still point to a sick relationship. 

This article will tell you what the signs of a toxic partner are.

A toxic partner makes you sick and takes your breath away

With a toxic partner, you will get sick in the long run

In the dictionary, the word “toxic” is defined as toxic and harmful to health.

In a toxic relationship, happiness is impossible or sadness rules over joy. A toxic partner absorbs all the energy and vitality to transform you into a person with no identity of your own, no self-esteem, no dreams or goals.

These negative people pour all of their frustrations, fears, and distrust on you. Even if they are not aware of it, they attract the whole attention of the loved one and turn them into a dependent, needy being.

Often we are not aware of certain behaviors of the partner that can be harmful to the relationship and ourselves 

The biggest problem with a toxic partner is that we have a hard time believing that they are harming or trying to harm us. After all, they are very close, loved ones.

How do you recognize a toxic person?

The signs can be very subtle or contradicting. However, if you pay attention, you will become aware that your partner could be toxic:

He doesn’t allow you to develop personally

  • Maybe he doesn’t want you to study anything new, work outside the home, or develop your intellectual skills by going to a concert or seminar.
  • Every time you want to bring him an idea or a project, he does everything possible to prevent it.
  • He looks for various excuses so that you cannot follow your passions, because he has the feeling that you would neglect or leave him or that you would no longer be interested in his love.

    He tells you how to dress

    It is important to distinguish whether a comment is meant well or badly.

    For example, if you are wearing an item of clothing that is not suitable for a particular event, you should not immediately consider criticism toxic because it is likely well meant.

    However, if you are always criticized for your clothes and there is an argument,  if your partner always accompanies you when you go shopping to choose the clothes and always tells you what to wear and when, you should be careful!

    He makes you feel guilty about everything

    Signs of a toxic partner: Feelings of guilt

    A toxic partner is like a vampire, but instead of blood, it drains all of your energy. He will do or say anything he can to make you feel guilty, as if you are responsible for all problems.

    If he’s angry and screaming, it’s because you did something wrong. If he’s aggressive, you’ve made mistakes. In an argument, he never admits his own mistakes. This person may want to weaken you like this.

    He checks and controls you

    Maybe he asks you for the password of your email or Facebook, maybe he checks the browser history on your cell phone or rummages in your handbag or your personal drawer at home.

    He is always looking for a reason (real or nonexistent) to argue  and make you feel bad.

    He doesn’t trust you and thinks that you are cheating, lying to him, or doing things that he doesn’t like. Since he doesn’t believe your words, he controls your things to calm his insecurity and jealousy.

    With this demeanor, he takes away your privacy.

    He has too much power over you

    A toxic partner takes on the “alpha” role in the relationship.

    This means that he will not accept your opinions or use any means to change your mind. He pays no attention to your words and is not interested in your feelings.

    A toxic partner has too much power over you and your decisions and that’s not healthy for anyone.

    Do not forget  that you are independent and can make your own decisions,  you know for yourself what clothes you like, what you want to eat, what you want to say and who you want to spend your time with.

    He controls your expenses

    Signs of a toxic partner: constant monitoring
    • He states that the money can only be used for certain things, taking into account only his own preferences and ideas.
    • Your partner controls every penny you have in your wallet or always wants to know what everything you buy costs.
    • He says that the income of both must be in a joint account as it is more secure. It does not allow you to spend your self-earned money as you see fit.

    Be careful in all of these situations because they  are strategies for controlling yourself and turning off your personality.

    He doesn’t recognize your successes

    For a toxic person, the life partner is never good enough and never deserves congratulations.

    If you’ve made a new job, moved up, or graduated, he’ll look down on your merits.

    He won’t praise or admire anything you do, just focus on your mistakes,  on the things you can’t or do badly.

    For example: “You will not have time for me because of your new job” or “You are now working and will look for someone else and leave me”.

    This can get worse: a toxic partner can embarrass you in front of friends or family and ridicule you for making you look bad in front of those you love.

    He may be joking that is anything but funny, disregarding your successes, or treating you disrespectfully. 

    Don’t let that happen! If you feel like you are with a toxic partner, you should definitely end this relationship.

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