SARS-CoV-2 Detectable In The Organism After Recovery?

There is not yet enough information about a possible second infection with SARS-CoV-2 after recovery. While the scientists are analyzing the new coronavirus accordingly, it is advisable to comply with all protective measures for up to two weeks after the symptoms have subsided. 

SARS-CoV-2 detectable in the organism after recovery?

There is still insufficient evidence as to whether a second infection with the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is possible or not after recovery. Chinese researchers have examined infected people after they have recovered, but have not been able to draw any firm conclusions. One study indicates that traces of the virus can be found in the stool of affected people for a relatively long time, but the exact consequences cannot yet be assessed.

We know that the virus can be detected in the body for different lengths of time. This is different for every person. Some sufferers no longer have any traces of the virus in their body two days after complete recovery, but in others SARS-CoV-2 can still be detected for up to eight days afterwards.

However, we do not know  whether or not you can catch the new coronavirus again after recovery. Therefore, precautionary measures are essential, even if the person concerned no longer exhibits symptoms of the disease.

Infection with SARS-CoV-2 after recovery?

A scientific study published by Chinese researchers in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine indicates that it  has not yet been proven whether or not you can become infected again with the new coronavirus after recovery . The study was conducted with only 16 people, so the results are only provisional.

All 16 patients were treated at a Beijing hospital and left between January 28 and February 9, 2020. All but one patient had an incubation period of five days. Symptoms averaged an eight-day period.

In these patients, it was found that it took an average of between one and eight days to completely eliminate the virus. However, the scientists do not know whether there is a chance of infecting others during this period. But the doubt definitely requires appropriate preventive measures.

Doctor Lokesh Sharma, who works at Yale’s medical school and co-authored the study, points out that there is a likelihood that severe cases will take longer to clear the virus completely.

Coronavirus after recovery?
Some of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 can still be detected in the body after recovery.

Persistence in the gut

Another study, published in the journal  The Lancet , suggests the possibility of secondary SARS-CoV-2 infection after recovery. This research shows  that the virus continues to actively multiply in the intestine  even when symptoms are no longer present.

There were  traces of up to five weeks after the resolution of symptoms of the virus found in the stool. These patients had negative results from tests using a throat or nasal swab.

This study suggests that:

However, the World Health Organization (WHO) informs that there is no evidence for this type of transmission. One of the reports from this organization states:

Preventive action

Preventive measures after recovery
The general recommendations are to remain in quarantine at home for an additional 14 days after discharge from the hospital.

We do not know for  sure whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus can provoke a renewed infection after recovery. It is therefore advisable to exercise maximum caution. Patients who have recently recovered from their illness should continue to receive the same care they received during active illness.

The experts recommend  that patients should be quarantined for an additional two weeks after the symptoms have subsided. For some this period may seem too long, but since there are risks it is better to be careful.

When it comes to stool transmission, experts recommend  strict hygiene measures in infected patients. If they are at home, they should have their own bathroom just for themselves.

The wastewater in hospitals should be disinfected. Hygiene in the bathroom and toilet is always important, but especially in times of the coronavirus. If you use a public toilet, you should first clean it with water and chlorine.

Prevent another corona illness after recovery

Society demands responsibility from everyone, especially from those patients who have already been infected. After the Covid 19 disease, strict preventive measures are particularly important so that those affected cannot infect their family, friends or other people.

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