Reflections On The Life Of Steve Jobs

Money can never be everything, you can’t buy love or health with money. Even if it is not confirmed whether Steve Jobs actually spoke these words shortly before his death, they at least invite you to reflect.

Reflections on the life of Steve Jobs

A while ago there was a news item about Steve Jobs circulating on social media  , and while it is not true, it is thought-provoking. It’s an article that reveals the supposed final words of the famous Apple co-founder.

It cannot be proven that those words actually came from Steve Jobs . But his  attitude and way of thinking, which characterized his life, as well as his last days can be a lesson to us. 

Today we want to deal with the fact that despite all the successes that someone can achieve in his life, despite all the wealth, there are priorities that we must never ignore.

Steve Jobs’ life invites us to reflect

Success is not synonymous with happiness

The supposed final thoughts of Steve Jobs traveled the world on social networks. Plus, director Danny Boyle’s award-winning film made us realize that Jobs wasn’t a very happy person.

  • Success in professional life often does not go hand in hand with a happy life. Occasionally we think that criteria such as recognition, money, and fame are guarantees of perfect life, but that is not true.
  • While we don’t know if Steve Jobs actually had such thoughts in his final days before he died of cancer, some close friends commented that he regretted not prioritizing other things.
  • Wealth is a sensational attribute that is pleasing and allows us to live a simpler life. Nevertheless , money does not fill our hearts with joy, it is not a reliable companion, it does not provide us with the warming hugs or love that everyone needs.
    Young Steve Jobs with his invention

    Love always comes first

    Steve Jobs climbed to the pinnacle of fame, amassing a considerable fortune, and gaining recognition and popularity around the world. His ingenious intuition paved the way to give the world what everyone now sees as indispensable: technology.

    He created an empire; first Mackintosh, then the all-powerful dream factory Pixar, which was later founded, and not to forget his brand par excellence: Apple. All of these creations revolutionized our everyday life.

    Many people around the world still dream of owning the latest iPhone, iPad or iPod.

    But Steve Jobs was certainly aware that  nothing matters if you can’t share it with anyone; when there is nobody waiting for you at home, whom you love and who loves you.

    • Love is the greatest personal triumph of man, it is an act of greatness and reciprocity that we should never do without.
    • There is nothing bad in dreaming of fame and fortune. In fact, we’re supposed to get up every day thinking that we can make our dreams come true, that we can take our own destiny in hand, just like Steve Jobs did.
    • However, never stop loving and being loved. Remember that money will never bring you the genuine laughter of a child who admires you;  that money cannot reward you with unique and precious moments that you remember before falling asleep and that make you feel happy.
      Recording life of Steve Jobs

      In the hospital

      No matter how much money you have in your account,  you will never be able to bribe death. Sooner or later we all have to say goodbye forever, whether we are poor or rich, young or old.

      • Steve Jobs had it all, he was still young and could have given the world more. Even so,  his money couldn’t cure him of his illness or give him a second chance.
      • You can amass money and buy tons of material goods, but remember, life itself is priceless. Life accompanies you, it gives birth to you, gives you hope, laughter, happiness and sadness. But if you lose your life, you will never get it back.
        • The emotional legacy you have created will be the only treasure you leave behind when you say goodbye to this world.  All the houses, cars and things that you own have no meaning in death.
        • On the other hand, when you feel loved and feel your family’s hands on your sickbed before you go to sleep forever, this is your most precious treasure. Nothing else matters.

        Love is the most important thing in our life and cannot be replaced by anything. We are all open to leading a successful Steve Jobs-style life. But never forget to show affection and feelings, be happy and make others happy.

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