Quick Help With Toothache: 5 Tips

Toothache can be very uncomfortable and can be caused by a wide variety of factors. Of course, in this case you have to go to the dentist, but until you have an appointment, you can alleviate the pain with the various home remedies that we present to you today. 

Quick help with toothache: 5 tips

In today’s article, we’re going to introduce you to five home remedies that will provide  quick relief from toothache . Do not forget, however, that you absolutely have to go to the dentist to get to the bottom of the cause and get the appropriate treatment carried out.

In the meantime, today’s home remedies will help ease the pain. Discover today how cloves, turmeric, ginger, salt water or ice can help. 

Home remedies that will help with toothache quickly

We will then introduce you to 5 natural home remedies that you can use advantageously for toothache . Another big plus is that they have no side effects and help quickly with acute pain in order to bridge the time until the dentist’s appointment. However, if you are taking medication or undergoing medical treatment, it is imperative that you consult your doctor beforehand, even if they are natural products! 

1. Cloves help with toothache


Cloves are known for their pain relieving properties and are therefore very popular for toothache.  They have long been used to provide effective and immediate pain relief.

In the meantime, the analgesic effect has also been proven in scientific studies  Not only the cloves themselves, but also the essential oil made from them (always diluted) or a water extract are very beneficial.

The clove also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. So it is definitely an excellent means of providing temporary relief from toothache until the dentist’s appointment.

2. Turmeric for toothache

This intensely orange-colored root has become very popular for a wide variety of recipes and treatments in recent years. It is characterized by numerous positive properties and should therefore not be missing in the kitchen or in the medicine box! 

Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin,  which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

You can use it to flavor your food to help control ulcers and high cholesterol levels. In addition, the root is also suitable for fighting bacteria and fungi.

Curcumin is also available as a dietary supplement. You can also easily make tea from turmeric, or use it to season soups, stews or smoothies. 

3. Ginger for toothache

Ginger for toothache
The main active ingredient in ginger, gingerol, is very similar to the structure of curcumin. This can also be used to alleviate toothache. Ginger also has many other health benefits.

The active ingredient gingerol contained in ginger  has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and is therefore also beneficial for toothache. 

In addition, ginger helps with gastrointestinal complaints. It is an excellent natural remedy for nausea and nausea, because the sharp root has no unpleasant side effects.

You can use it to make tea or use ginger as a seasoning for stews, desserts, drinks, smoothies, etc. The combination of the three spices recommended in this post (cloves, turmeric, and ginger) have wonderful medicinal properties that are very effective. 

4. Use salt water for rinsing if you have a toothache

You can quickly prepare this simple home remedy and you will certainly have all the ingredients at home: salt and water. You can use it to relieve toothache, regardless of the cause. Salt has an antiseptic effect and is an excellent mouthwash to soothe inflammation and reduce toothache.

What do you need for this home remedy?

  • 1 teaspoon sea salt or Himalayan salt (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

Note: We recommend the mentioned types of salt as they are untreated and contain more minerals and trace elements than normal table salt.


  • Dissolve the salt in boiling water.
  • Mix it well, then wait for this mouthwash to reach a comfortable temperature.
  • Then rinse your mouth with the saline solution for 30 seconds, especially the painful areas.
  • Repeat this treatment every 15 minutes until you feel better. 

5. Ice cubes for toothache

Ice helps with toothache
Ice contracts blood vessels and can relieve inflammation and pain.

Finally, we recommend a simple and quick solution to relieve inflammation-related pain:  Use ice cubes or an ice pack that you place externally on the painful area. Wrap the ice cubes in a cloth, because you should avoid direct skin contact. The cold provides an immediate analgesic effect without any side effects.

You now know various natural home remedies that you can quickly use for toothache. Don’t forget, however, that these are only short-term solutions. Dental problems must be examined and treated by the dentist! In some cases, antibiotics are also necessary. Let yourself be well advised, because with the right treatment you can prevent secondary symptoms.

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