Playing In The Fresh Air: Why It Matters

The lives of today’s children are largely determined by technology. Playing in the fresh air is often neglected. It is often more convenient for parents to keep them busy with cell phones and computers rather than letting them run around outside.

Playing in the fresh air: why it's so important

The lives of today’s children are largely determined by technology. Playing in the fresh air is often neglected. It is often more convenient for parents to keep them busy with cell phones and computers rather than letting them run around outside.

But play is important to children. They spend less and less time outside and thus cannot benefit from the physical and health benefits that the pastime outside of the house brings with it.

They spend most of their free time watching TV, playing video games or on the Internet. Some parents find it easier because their children are at home and don’t have to be under constant surveillance. The games in the fresh air is replaced by convenience.

This also means that children are often addicted to electronic devices. This is especially true for children in metropolitan areas, as those who live in smaller towns also have more space in the great outdoors to play.

Contact with nature

Children play outdoors

The lack of contact with nature, which applies to both children and adults today, is referred to by psychologists as nature deficit syndrome. It has been linked to poor concentration, hyperactivity, obesity, depression, and anxiety.

To counteract this syndrome, children should spend more time in nature again. Breathe in fresh air, run across the meadow, run around between trees, smell the scent of flowers and watch birds fly are fundamental experiences in children’s lives.

Playing in the fresh air allows them to relax and find peace that they often lose with the use of electronic devices.

In addition, their attention and concentration skills are improved, which has a positive effect on their school performance.

Playing in the fresh air: for all ages

Parents don’t have to wait for their child to reach a certain age to play outside. Even as a baby, you can come into contact with nature. For example, while they sleep, a walk in the park or in the garden can be beneficial.

These positive impressions remain for a long time. As soon as the children start to grow, they start enjoying playing in the fresh air. The contact with the sun, the wind, the smells and noises from nature has a formative effect.

Nature enriches them with a multitude of new learning situations that cannot be replaced by the flood of information on the Internet. Parents also benefit from it. They feel less stress, relax and share special experiences with their children.

Playing in the fresh air and its advantages

Playing outside offers many benefits for babies, children and teenagers alike. However, parents should be vigilant to avoid accidents. If the children are playing in a large park, on the beach, or in the field, it is important to be careful not to lose them.

  • Children play with a sense of freedom even when their parents watch them – an experience that is different from playing at home.
  • Playing outside improves physical development as the children run, jump, and develop new skills.
  • Exercise helps in releasing tension and choking back too much energy. This makes them more relaxed and sleep better.
  • Childhood obesity can also be prevented because it burns calories in a healthy way.
  • Imagination and creativity are encouraged. Children invent new pastimes and can easily occupy themselves with small objects such as stones or twigs.
  • Contact with nature strengthens the immune system. They are more resistant to bacteria and dust.
  • Children learn to adapt to different environmental conditions such as sun, rain and wind.
  • Contact with the sun is essential for the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, which strengthens bones.
  • They meet other children, which favors their socialization. This allows them to maintain friendships, control their emotions and better cope with conflicts.
  • The advantage for young people is not only to experience nature, but also to be able to take on responsibility.
    Children climb

    Final reflection

    Playing in the fresh air is an excellent way to spend quality time with the family. Parents and children, but also grandparents, uncles, aunts and other family members can come together in the shade of a tree, near a river or while camping in the mountains.

    It is always worthwhile to make plans together to enjoy nature and share precious moments with loved ones.

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