Pain In Arms And Legs – What Could Be The Reason?

Painful extremities are not uncommon, regardless of age.

Pain in arms and legs - what can be the reason?

Has this happened to you before? You come home and you have severe pain in your arms and legs, they feel so heavy that you can hardly move and you have no choice but to rest.

This type of pain is very common and is usually due to muscle overload. General fatigue after a long day is also a possible cause.

Although little attention is paid to these symptoms, the pain is cause for concern if it occurs continuously or for months.

In this article we will talk about pain in the arms and legs .

Possible triggers for pain in arms and legs

Painful extremities are not uncommon, regardless of age. Young people between the ages of 8 and 17 tend to be affected more often due to their body growth.

Individual tissue structures in arms and legs mature at different speeds, which is reflected in changed body proportions.

And what about the adults? What are the possible causes of pain in your arms and legs? Let’s take a look at them.

1. Colds and flu-like infections


Pain in the arms and legs can occur in the days before the symptoms of the common cold definitely manifest. They are even among the typical symptoms of the flu, from which we have all suffered, especially during the “cold season”.

But how does a cold cause pain in the extremities of all things, why do we feel this acute muscle pain? The explanation lies in the immune system with which our body tries to defend itself against the virus that causes colds.

The number of lymphocytes, a certain type of white blood cell, increases when a virus infection occurs because these cells are particularly effective against the pathogen.

At higher temperatures, our immune system can work faster ; the additional release of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins) also contributes to the development of fever. All of these processes ultimately lead to fatigue and body aches.

It is therefore not uncommon for a flu-like infection to announce itself with pain in the arms and legs.

2. Joint pain

Joint pain

Joint pain particularly affects people over the age of 50. Our arms and legs are in motion all day long, and of course that also applies to the complicated joints that make them up.

There are many possible causes that can cause increased wear and tear or inflammation in the joints.

This results in a certain heaviness of the limbs, fatigue, and also a hard-to-describe burning sensation in the thighs and upper arms. The pain is not limited to the affected joint, it radiates into the adjacent muscles and the entire extremity.

3. Blood supply disorders

Blood supply

If the pain in the arms and legs is due to an inadequate oxygen supply due to disorders of the circulatory system, it is usually accompanied by other symptoms. You should know the following:

  • Numbness in arms and legs, sometimes together with cramps in hands and feet
  • Ulcers in the legs
  • Lack of strength in the hands, frequent dropping of objects
  • a headache
  • Bluish discoloration of the nails
  • Dizziness after getting up
  • Heaviness in the legs, plus swollen fingers and hands
  • Varicose veins

If you experience these symptoms, particular care should be taken as they are typical of circulatory disorders. If you also suffer from palpitations and attacks of suffocation, this even indicates a heart problem. In this case, consult a doctor immediately!

It is important that a specialist clarifies the causes!

4. Possible fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia points

If we want to consider fibromyalgia as a cause of body aches and pains, we must first ask ourselves whether this pain has been ongoing for months and then occasionally even limiting the ability to work or do everyday things.

In any case, one should look out for the following symptoms, which often manifest themselves in the context of fibromyalgia:

  • The pain is accompanied by extreme fatigue.
  • Some areas of the body are very painful, including the hips, neck, collarbone, elbow and knee joints and buttocks.
  • Often people complain about insomnia and that the symptoms are worst in the morning.
  • Those affected also suffer from migraines, memory and concentration problems.

In summary, it can be said that pain in the arms and legs in the majority of cases is simply a symptom of fatigue that occurs mainly in the evening hours.

However, as we already mentioned at the beginning, it is important that you consult a doctor in order to get to the bottom of the problem, especially if you have complaints that persist over a longer period of time and that limit your everyday life .

A healthy lifestyle, which includes both a suitable diet and sufficient physical activity, also has a positive effect on our well-being. Stress and overload put a strain on the musculoskeletal system and should therefore be avoided.

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