Melon As A Natural Remedy: 4 Tips

The melon can be a good alternative to commercial products for heartburn or digestive problems. Due to its alkaline properties, it can restore your body’s balance. So here are a few tips for using melon as a natural remedy!

Melon as a natural remedy: 4 tips

The melon is a refreshing fruit and also has a cleansing effect. In addition, it is low in calories. It is an ideal snack between meals and is well suited for those moments when you have an indomitable desire for something sweet. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Therefore, the melon has a lot to offer as a natural remedy.

In this article, we’ll show you how you can easily make your own remedies that help against water retention, constipation, heartburn and premature aging. In short, this delicious fruit offers you a multitude of options for improving your health in a natural way.

Melon as a natural remedy

Below are 4 tips on how to use melon as a natural remedy in combination with other ingredients for various ailments.

1. Diuretic with melon and celery

Melon as a diuretic

The melon has a strong diuretic effect because it consists of 90% water and contains a lot of potassium.

These properties undoubtedly make this fruit a highly recommended food that can help with swelling, edema and fluid retention. When you combine them with celery, their cleansing properties are enhanced.


  • 2 slices of melon
  • 1 stick of fresh celery


  • Mix the ingredients together to make a refreshing juice.
  • If you are bothered by the fibers of the celery, you can also strain the juice.
  • You should drink the juice in the course of the morning, between meals and as cold as possible.

    2. Laxatives with melon, prunes and chia seeds

    Melon as a laxative

    To prevent and combat constipation, eat foods that are high in fiber. In this sense, the melon acts as a mild laxative because it is high in fiber and cellulose. However, you can increase their medicinal properties by combining them with two other high-fiber foods: plums (fresh or dried) and chia seeds.

    On the other hand, it is essential for a good quality of life and the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases that your bowels function properly. Therefore, you should stick to a balanced, high-fiber diet.

    That way, you don’t have to resort to chemical laxatives.


    • 2 slices of melon
    • 2 fresh plums or 3 dried plums
    • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (15 g)
    • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


    • Soak the chia seeds and (if you’re using dried plums) the plums in half a glass of water the night before.
    • The next morning you first mix the (now somewhat gelatinous) water with the seeds and the plums together with the melon.
    • Drink this juice on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.

    3. Heartburn remedies with melon, ginger, cayenne pepper and stevia

    Melon as a heartburn remedy

    Do you suffer from stomach acidity? This annoying condition affects many people on a daily basis and severely limits their mealtime consumption. Every little gastronomic debauchery, in which too much or unhealthy food is eaten, is immediately reflected in the affected person in a very unpleasant heartburn. It is difficult to alleviate. But with these alkaline agents you can achieve a healing effect in 15 days.

    Alkaline foods naturally fight excess acidity in the body.

    In contrast to stomach acids, food does not change the natural acidity of the body. Nor do they affect gastric health in the long term. Without a doubt, melon, ginger, cayenne pepper and stevia combined are natural remedies that will help you alkalize your body.


    • 2 slices of melon
    • ½ teaspoon ginger powder (2 g)
    • 1 pinch of cayenne pepper (or a little more or less, depending on how sensitive you are to spiciness)
    • Unrefined pure stevia as a natural and alkaline sweetener (to taste)


    • Mix all of the ingredients well in a blender.
    • You should split the juice and drink part of it in the morning and the other in the afternoon, between meals

    4. Melon as a natural remedy: Antioxidant with melon, green tea and lemon

    Melon as an antioxidant

    The melon has a high antioxidant effect due to its vitamin A, C and E content. These beneficial properties help prevent possible free radical damage. Free radicals are the main cause of aging.

    In addition, with the combination of melon, green tea and lemon you get an ideal remedy against the elements that cause oxidation in the body.


    • 2 slices of melon
    • 1 bag of green tea
    • Juice of ½ lemon
    • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


    • First you prepare the green tea in half a glass of water and then let it cool down.
    • Now mix the melon slices, the green tea and the lemon juice in a blender.
    • You can sweeten the juice with some honey if you want.
    • You can also apply some of the juice to your face. It then acts like a rejuvenating face mask.

    As you can see, melon should not be missing in a balanced and healthy diet. It offers a variety of health benefits and you can use the melon as a natural remedy in very different ways!

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