Less Flour For Easier Weight Loss

Industrial baked goods, pasta and bread taste delicious and are practical. But they all contain mostly unhealthy white flour, which often leads to weight problems and other ailments. 

Less flour to make it easier to lose weight

For breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner … at all times of the day we consume foods that contain flour.

Industrial baked goods, pasta and bread taste delicious and are practical. But they all contain mostly unhealthy  white flour, which often leads to weight problems and other ailments. 

By  avoiding flour  , you can lose weight more easily and at the same time promote your general health!

Too much flour!

A balanced diet should contain the necessary amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Carbohydrates are found in fruits and vegetables, as well as starches and grains. But mostly we eat too much grain, that is, white flour products such as bread, pizza, pasta, cakes or other baked goods. And too few vegetables!

Baked goods made from flour

Why does flour make you thick?

Grain provides  long-lasting energy and is very important for the organism. Problems arise when you eat too much of it and when it is predominantly white flour products.

Switch to whole grains and reduce consumption. This way your body can use up the energy and you will store fewer love handles.

Gluten intolerance

Most types of flour contain gluten (wheat, oats, rye, spelled …). Therefore, people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease need to be particularly careful.

corn flour

In the case of gluten intolerance, the symptoms gradually become noticeable, although the symptoms are not always associated with the cause.

The intolerance can also lead to weight problems.  Because this also affects digestion.  

Other symptoms of gluten intolerance are:

  • Constipation or frequent diarrhea
  • Bad digestion
  • Skin problems such as keratosis pilaris
  • Menstrual cramps
  • infertility
  • Overweight or underweight

However, as soon as those affected stop eating foods that contain gluten, they  feel better. If you suspect a gluten intolerance, you should definitely see a doctor who will examine you thoroughly.

Ideas to reduce flour consumption

  • There are various kitchen utensils that can be used to make vegetable spaghetti,  such as zucchini. You can use it to replace normal spaghetti made from flour. Serve the vegetable spaghetti with tomato sauce, cheese, and oregano. They taste delicious and are very healthy.  

    spaghetti vegetables
    • You can use legumes for cakes. Chocolate cake with flour made from legumes, for example, tastes very tasty. White flour is simply replaced with legume flour or cooked and pureed legumes. The whole family will love it.
    • People with gluten intolerance feel much better if they completely avoid foods containing gluten. There are many alternatives: rice flour, corn flour, chickpea flour  and also gluten-free flour mixes. You can also use it to make bread, cake, pizza or pancakes.
    • You don’t have to go without bread either! There are various alternatives to replace classic flour. How about, for example, crispbread made from seeds such as chia, linseed, sunflower seeds …? It tastes delicious and at the same time contains a lot of fiber, which promotes your digestion and benefits your figure! Simply chop up the seeds and mix them with a little water. Then spread the dough out on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake at low temperature (about 50ยบ) for 30 minutes until crispy.

      Images provided by tzejen, xavi talleda and michelle @ TNS

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