Korean Diets: The Eastern Secret To Weight Loss

Korean diets focus on vegetables and fish. But the right method of preparation also plays a role. There is no deep-frying, which reduces the fat content

Korean Diets: The Eastern Secret To Weight Loss

Korean diets haven’t really gotten to us yet. However, Asian women are attracting the attention of the western world because of their slim figure. While genetics have a huge impact on physique, we cannot deny that their diet plays an important role.

The western diet has a strong influence on the eastern cuisine at the moment. Nonetheless , countries like Japan and Korea maintain many traditional eating habits that help them maintain healthy and lean bodies.

In fact, life expectancy is highest in Korea and the percentage of people who are overweight is very low compared to more developed countries.

What’s your secret? Why are they so healthy? In this article, we would like you an overview of Korean diets gain so you can understand why they are so well suited to weight loss.

Korean Diets and the Weight Loss Secrets Behind Them

Korean diets are ideal for losing weight, which is why they are becoming increasingly popular. However, the basic principles of this diet should not be confused with the dangerous “miracle diets as they are completely different things.

Unfortunately, with Korean cuisine booming , there are already many diet plans out there that are too strict and do not provide enough nutrients, even if they are effective.

For this reason, it is imperative that you consult a nutritionist to find out if this diet is appropriate for your age, weight, and health.

In fact, there are a few “secrets” about these diets that we can use as an example to help us eat healthier and more balanced foods. We’ll go into the most important of them below.

Lots of vegetables

Korean diets: lots of vegetables

Fresh vegetables and rice are the basis of the Korean diet. These foods are low in calories and are part of all main dishes.

  • Potatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Leafy green vegetables and cruciferous vegetables
  • tomatoes
  • Carrots

Little meat

While meat is an important staple food in the western world, it is secondary for Koreans. Because of this, their diet is less fat than elsewhere.

  • Red meat is being replaced with fish and seafood, foods rich in omega 3 and high quality proteins.
  • When preparing meat, care is taken to ensure that it is fried so that it contains as little fat as possible.

    Spicy soups

    Korean Diets: Spicy Soups

    Traditionally, soups are an important part of Korean cuisine. These are light dishes that are easy to prepare and, thanks to the combination of ingredients, ensure a maximum feeling of satiety.

    • It should also be noted that many recipes contain hot spices that stimulate the metabolism and thus increase energy consumption.

    Herbal teas

    Another reason why you should read up on Korean diets if you want to lose weight is the herbal teas.

    • In Korea, it is a custom to make green tea, barley tea, or roasted barley tea, all of which are known for their fat burning effects.
    • These drinks promote digestion and optimize the body’s cleansing process, which promotes weight loss.

    Kimchi: a traditional dish

    Kimchi is a traditional dish and an important part of Korean gastronomy. It is considered to be one of the healthiest foods in the world because it contains vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.

    • What is kimchi It is a fermented food based on dried Chinese cabbage with salt, garlic, ginger, fish sauce and paprika.
    • This spicy food is part of many meals, mainly because it is filling and low in calories.

    Little white flour

    Korean diets largely avoid bread and other foods made from white flour. Consumption is pretty low and these foods are mostly replaced with healthier options like fruits or whole grains.

    Preparation of the food

    Korean diets don’t just consider the combination of foods and the number of calories. Another key factor in determining the nutritional content on the plate is how it is prepared.

    • The food is almost never fried, but fried or steamed.

    Much water

    Korean Diets: Lots of Water

    In addition to herbal teas , Korean women also drink a lot of water throughout the day.

    • Even if all balanced diets recommend drinking plenty of water, in this case 2 to 3 liters are consumed daily.

    Are You Ready To Implement The Secrets Of This Asian Diet? Don’t forget that you don’t need to have a strict or low-calorie diet. It is enough to incorporate a few simple principles into your eating plan.

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