Intuitive Intelligence – Do You Know That?

Even if it sounds supernatural, intuition is based on knowledge and experiences that are stored in the subconscious and are therefore in direct connection with our essence.

Intuitive intelligence - do you know that?

Intuitive intelligence is viewed by many as not very scientific and even partly supernatural.

But this ability has been scientifically researched by psychologists for a long time 

Books like “Educating intuition” by Robin M. Hogarth or “The Intuitive Intelligence” by Malcolm Gladwell are excellent examples of the importance of intuitive intelligence.

An intuitive person is able to listen to their own subconscious mind for quick and useful answers in certain situations. It is by no means magic. We are at a time when it is definitely worthwhile to develop the ability of intuitive intelligence in everyday life.

Then you will learn more about it.

Key to Developing Intuitive Intelligence

The idea of ​​female intuition is very popular, but this does not confirm the correctness of the view that only female brains can think intuitively. Men also have this ability.

The only difference is  that women make more use of the ability to listen to their inner voice, their gut feeling or their inspiration. This creates a close connection with the subconscious.

You will surely be interested to learn that – as Daniel Goleman, an expert on emotional intelligence explains –  many men also unconsciously make use of their intuition:

  • For example, stockbrokers make decisions in seconds. They hardly have time to analyze the data and are guided by their instincts, by their intuition, an automatic treasure trove of accumulated experience.
  • Doctors, psychiatrists, and other experts also use their intuition because it allows them to become aware of certain problems by drawing on their acquired experience.

    Then we will show you how to promote and develop intuitive intelligence.


    Learn to trust your inner voice

    This has certainly happened to you before: You see a person and you know immediately whether you can trust him or not. It is possible that you are wrong sometimes, but you will usually hit the bull’s eye. Do you have any hidden powers?

    • Not at all. In the course of life we collect countless experiences, we continuously learn and draw conclusions from it, often quite unconsciously.
    • Our brain stores images, sensations, smells and an infinite number of classified data that gradually form our ability to intuition. This is simply our own essence, our identity, which allows us to find quick answers in certain situations.

      Now you may be asking yourself whether one should follow intuition and trust. The answer is a resounding yes.

      • Intuition makes it possible  to give answers that are in harmony with our identity,  with everything that defines us. Those who distance themselves from their intuitions distance themselves from themselves.

      For example, your family recommends that you accept a job offer because it means a better life for you. But your intuition tells you that you will not be happy with this job.

      However, if you think about it rationally, you know that more money means a better quality of life.

      And what should you do in this case?

      • Listen intensely to your intuition. It is in direct connection with your emotional world, your experience and your identity.
      • Then you focus on the rational decision: will I take a job that will surely not make me happy? Intuitive intelligence  has already shown you the way.

      Zen thoughts and intuitive intelligence

      Here we again quote Daniel Goleman, who reports that those in charge of large multinational companies (such as Google or Facebook) recommend their employees to think “Zen”. Then they rely on the following thoughts:

      • If you want more successful answers, you have to listen to yourself.
      • “Zen thoughts” mean: First, find deep calm, with which  pressure, stress and limiting thoughts or fears can be put aside.
      • Then we connect with our essence, with our inner voice, we allow ourselves to contact the outside world, but only with those aspects that are necessary for a correct decision, an original, novel and creative idea.

        As you can see, intuitive intelligence can be very useful in coping with everyday life, as it allows  us to act and respond in a more balanced way, taking into account our needs  and personalities.

        The rational, logical approach sometimes leaves no room for emotions, which, however, are essential for personal growth. It is therefore definitely worthwhile to always look at things from two different perspectives: the intuitive and the logical.

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