High Blood Pressure And Renal Insufficiency – Care Tips

Medicines may only be taken with a doctor’s prescription, as the liver and kidneys do not process them well.

Hypertension and Renal Failure - Care Tips

High blood pressure is one of the kidneys’ worst enemies. This silent illness, which cannot be felt but gradually progresses, can  cause kidney failure over time.

Therefore, in today’s post we recommend the best strategies to prevent this, to have healthy blood pressure values ​​and thus to ensure a better quality of life. Just read on to learn more about it.

Why does high blood pressure harm the kidneys?

This is very easy to explain, but the real problem is  that high blood pressure is usually only noticed at the first symptoms  and by then it is sometimes too late.

Then you will learn more about the connection  between high blood pressure and kidney failure :

  • Elevated blood pressure levels force the heart to work harder. If this overload continues for a long time, the blood vessels and arteries will gradually become irreparably damaged.
  • When the blood vessels in the kidneys are damaged  , the blood is no longer properly filtered, and as a result, pollutants and fluids build up  in the body.
  • The excess fluid  causes the blood vessels to suffer even more and the blood pressure to rise further. This creates a dangerous cycle that can have serious health consequences.

How does renal failure show?

kidney palpation

As soon as the first signs of kidney failure appear, regular check-ups and measures must be carried out to try to regulate the kidney function, as there is no cure for this condition.

Those with chronic kidney failure are at great risk of needing dialysis  and consequently a kidney transplant.

It is a serious problem, so it is worth taking timely precautions and having your blood pressure checked regularly.

Healthy eating and living habits also play a major role. But how do you know if kidney function is deteriorating? The most common symptoms are:

  • Great tiredness all day long,
  • swollen feet and ankles,
  • Sensitivity to cold,
  • very yellow colored urine,
  • hard and distended stomach.

A urinalysis is the best way to find out. People with renal insufficiency have  an increased creatinine level. Creatinine is a waste product that is created when muscle cells break down.

When the kidneys are working well, creatinine is excreted in the urine, but when the kidneys are not working properly, it accumulates. It is a very clear indication, but it can only be determined through a urinalysis.

Care tips for normal blood pressure values ​​so as not to damage the kidneys

drink raisin water

Now that you know how important it is to regulate your blood pressure in order to prevent possible kidney failure,  we recommend that you keep the following tips in mind:

  • Avoid gaining weight. Make sure you have an adequate weight for your age and height.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables,  especially green leafy vegetables and dehydrating fruits such as pineapples, pears, grapes, blueberries …
  • Avoid dairy products that are high in fat. You can replace this with plant-based milk (oat, rice or nut milk).
  • Avoid  salt,  sugar, and white flour.
  • Exercise for at least  half an hour a day. It is best to do a moderate sport that activates your heart and blood circulation. For example, you can walk, cycle, swim, or take ballet lessons for half an hour.
  • You can drink one glass of red wine a day, but  you should never exceed this amount.
  • If you smoke, you should quit this dangerous habit today.
  • You can take  vitamin D supplements , which are very good for kidney health.
  • Take a spoonful of baking soda dissolved in water every day . This agent has a strong base-forming effect and therefore promotes kidney function.
  • Try to take as little medication as possible, because the liver and kidneys do not process them well.
  • Correct stress management is also important. Try to lead a balanced life and manage your emotions correctly. As you probably know, stress is a trigger for high blood pressure and should therefore be controlled.
  • Don’t forget to have regular  checkups to  check blood pressure and kidney health. You can also buy a blood pressure monitor and check the values ​​yourself daily.

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