Healthy Breakfast For Weight Loss: 6 Variations

A healthy breakfast for weight loss should contain the necessary nutrients that give us a good start to the day. You should definitely not skip this first meal.

Healthy breakfast for weight loss: 6 variations

If you want to lose weight, then you may think that the best thing to do is to stop eating. But you shouldn’t skip a meal, especially the first, because that’s the most important. We need a healthy weight loss breakfast so that our bodies get the energy to start the day off right.

In order to reach your ideal weight, you should eat balanced meals at least five times a day. Because breakfast is the first food intake of the day and is eaten after several hours of rest, it is particularly important in our diet.

During the night, the sugar level drops and the body wakes up empty and tired in the morning. A healthy weight loss breakfast will therefore give you all the nutrients your body needs to start the day.

A good breakfast will help you nourish your body ideally.

Breakfast to stimulate your metabolism


When we have breakfast, our metabolism is stimulated. This burns fats and the weight loss happens naturally and quickly.

So having a healthy breakfast for weight loss is important. But there are other reasons that you should also consider:

  • If you don’t have breakfast, the metabolism works slower so that the last energies from the previous day are not used up so quickly. This builds up fats and makes it easier for you to gain weight.
  • If you have breakfast, you will not feel nervous during the day and you will not eat too much.  If you skip breakfast, you will eventually become overwhelmed by cravings that you cannot control. So it happens that in such situations you reach for unhealthy food faster and gain weight!
  • If you don’t eat anything in the morning, the body will respond more to insulin. The organism stores more fat and increases weight.

More protein in breakfast

A healthy weight loss breakfast should contain ingredients from the three food groups  (carbohydrates, proteins, fats). Proteins have to be included, as they promote the feeling of satiety for a long time.

A “normal” breakfast might just contain carbohydrates and fats. This makes you feel full for a while and then suddenly you feel like eating a lot more. It also promotes weight gain.

Basic rules for a healthy breakfast for weight loss

Here we explain five basic rules to you. They are not complicated, but if you want to lose weight, then we advise you to adhere to them strictly and not stray from it out of desperation.

  • Eat at least 8 grams of fiber. Breakfast is supposed to help you lose weight, not gain weight. This is why you should choose foods that contain fiber. They leave you feeling full until it’s time for your next meal. They are also digested slowly, so you won’t feel like eating.
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates. You can substitute whole grains for breakfast cereals. However, if you are in a hurry to lose weight, skip it altogether and instead consume fiber, which is found in fruit.
  • You should have breakfast no later than an hour after you get up.
  • Eat more protein and less sugar.
  • Breakfast should be hearty to start the day. Don’t overdo it, though. A healthy weight loss breakfast should contain no more than 350 calories.
  • Never skip it!

    Healthy breakfast for weight loss: 6 variations

    Healthy breakfast for weight loss

    Breakfast 1

    • 1 cup of skimmed milk
    • 1 glass of orange juice
    • 2 slices of wholemeal toast with sugar-free jam
    • A piece of fruit: kiwi, peach or strawberry

    Breakfast 2

    • A scrambled egg
    • Skimmed yogurt with whole grain muesli
    • A piece of fruit: apple or banana
    • 1 cup of white coffee
    •  3 biscuits

    Breakfast 3

    • Whole grain toast with boiled egg
    • Chia seeds
    • 1 cup of coffee with skimmed milk

    Breakfast 4

    • Boiled egg
    • 1 slice of avocado (50 g)
    • Chia seeds
    • 1 slice of whole grain bread
    • Sliced ​​tomato
    • ½ glass of skimmed milk

    Breakfast 5

    • 1 slice of rye bread
    • 2 slices of salt-free cheese (40 g)
    • Spinach leaves
    • 1 cup of diced peach
    • ½ glass of skimmed milk

    Breakfast 6

    • 1 cup of cayenne pepper tea with honey
    • whole-grain bread rolls
    • 1 hard-boiled egg
    • 1 slice of ham
    • Avocado pieces (to taste)
    • 1 glass of grapefruit juice

    These examples can help you plan a healthy weight loss breakfast.  Make sure every menu is high in fiber and nutrients. You can add oatmeal, dried fruit, and leafy green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and cress.

    Useful foods

    • Whole Wheat Bread: The fiber in this food gives you lots of energy and makes you feel full .
    • Eggs: They are high in protein and healthy fats, which are a source of energy.
    • Fruit: Fruit contains all the minerals and vitamins you need to start the day with energy. It also contains natural sugar that you can use to replace candy.

      There are many ways to plan a healthy breakfast for weight loss. All you need to do is use your creativity a little to avoid boredom. Every breakfast should be a pleasant experience  because it is always the starting signal for the day.

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