Foods Recommended During Menstruation

In order to prevent menstrual pain, it is advisable to consume fresh products rich in vitamins and minerals and to avoid fried foods and ready-made meals.

Recommended foods for menstruation

During menstruation  , many women are stressed and suffer from mood swings. Certain foods can help reduce stress and improve mood in this case.

Find out more in today’s article. 

What foods are recommended during menstruation

Runner beans and peas

They are tasty and contain an abundance of fiber. Therefore, they normalize digestion and promote bowel evacuation. So you can use it to prevent constipation and diarrhea at the same time. Plus, with these vegetables you also prevent fluid retention.

But that’s not all: Legumes provide important B vitamins that work against cramps and tiredness.

However, only consume beans in moderation to avoid gas.

Vegetables in general

In general, it is advisable to eat plenty of vegetables during menstruation Because your organism needs  calcium, magnesium and potassium to prevent cramps.

This will also reduce irritability and mood swings. Include vegetables with vitamin K in your diet. Because this vital substance is useful for blood clotting. It helps prevent heavy bleeding.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Prostaglandin and other chemicals produced by the body cause cramping and pain during menstruation. Omega 3 inhibits the effects of prostaglandin and is therefore very useful.

You can find it in salmon, walnuts, and flax seeds, for example.

A study published in the  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found  that women who consume sufficient omega-3 fatty acids experience fewer menstrual cramps.


Pineapple during menstruation

Manganese has beneficial effects during menstruation. This is the result of a study by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Grand Forks.

This shows that heavy bleeding could be due to a lack of manganese.

It is therefore advisable to  eat foods containing this mineral during menstruation. We therefore recommend pineapples.

This fruit is also characterized by the enzyme bromelain, which relaxes muscles and prevents menstrual colic.


Tea is also rich in manganese. That is why we recommend drinking green or black tea during menstruation. However, this should not contain caffeine,  as this could make period pain worse.

Drink ginger tea to prevent nausea and swelling in your stomach area. Chamomile helps you against muscle cramps. Because it has a relaxing and calming effect at the same time.



Fluid retention is one of the most common causes of cramping that causes severe pain.

Drink enough water to prevent fluid build-up in the tissue!

whole grain products

A study by British doctors shows that small servings of carbohydrates before sleep can reduce premenstrual syndrome by up to 70%.

Whole grains are high in magnesium, which reduces neuromuscular tension.  It also provides vitamins B and E that help fight fatigue and depression.


Yogurt during menstruation

The active bacterial cultures in yogurt promote digestion. This dairy product also provides calcium.

If the average daily value is increased from 660 mg calcium to 1,300 mg,  one can relieve menstrual pain. 

Don’t forget, however, that dairy products and meat contain arachidonic acid, which promotes the formation of prostaglandin. As you already know, this substance can cause convulsions.

But there are also other wonderful sources of calcium: for example broccoli, savoy cabbage, salmon or sesame.

Which products should be avoided during menstruation?


As already mentioned, you should avoid products that contain caffeine. This includes not only tea, but also chocolate and various soft drinks.

Caffeine constricts blood vessels and draws fluid out of the body.  This could lead to headaches or nervousness during menstruation.

finished products

Reduce your salt intake as much as possible, as this will reduce swelling and fluid retention. This means that you shouldn’t eat ready-made products, canned goods, heavily salted cheese, or sauces! 

Fatty products

French fries

Fatty products such as meat, whole dairy products or fried foods increase estrogen levels. Both vegetable and animal fats activate the production of estrogen. 

To relieve cramps and pain, it is better to avoid fatty foods.


Sugar can increase blood sugar levels, which in a short period of time can lead to fatigue or a bad mood. Avoid confectionery and baked goods in your diet whenever possible. You can not only promote your health during menstruation!

Plan several small meals a day to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

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