Food As A Trigger For Body Odor

Did you know that certain foods can also be behind strong body odor? Find out more in this article!

Food as a trigger for body odor

Do you sometimes suffer from unpleasant body odor without finding an explanation for it? Then this article is for you! Body odor can be triggered by your diet, among other things.

Here we introduce you to eight foods that can be behind unpleasant body odor.

1. Tomatoes as a trigger for body odor

Tomatoes as a trigger for body odor

According to the British researcher Charles Stewart, there is a connection between the consumption of tomatoes and unpleasant body odor.

He found that tomato stalks give off an odor that is confusingly similar to sweat. So tomatoes can actually trigger body odor .

But where exactly is the connection between tomatoes and body odor? Tomatoes contain carotenoids and terpenes. These can trigger a sweat odor.

So the more tomatoes you eat, the more carotenoids you eat. These in turn can affect your body odor and intensify the odor of sweat.

So eating tomatoes can actually affect the smell of the body.

2. Dairy products as a trigger for body odor

Dairy products can trigger body odor.

Many people in Southeast Asia and large parts of the native American population are lactose intolerant. This means that they are deficient in lactase enzymes.

The rest of the world also often processes lactose worse than expected. Those who overdo it with the consumption of dairy products quickly suffer from gas, bloating, pressure in the epigastric region or stomach cramps.

A good reason to limit the consumption of dairy products, even if you are not lactose intolerant.

When the body can no longer process the dairy products consumed, the sweat begins to smell unpleasant. Often this smell is reminiscent of cabbage.

Excessive consumption of dairy products or lactose intolerance can also trigger body odor.

3. Fish as a trigger for body odor

Some types of fish can also trigger body odor.

It may come as a surprise at first that some types of fish also lead to a body odor. Especially since the unpleasant body odor does not come, as people like to joke, from touching the fish while it is cooking. The explanation is much more complex.

Fish is high in vitamin A. Other varieties, such as trout and tuna, contain choline, also known as vitamin B4. This Vitmain adds a fishy note to the natural smell of the body.

In fact, consuming fish can lead to fishy body odor.

For some people, this unpleasant fish odor is permanent. You suffer from what is known as “fish odor syndrome”. Also known as trimethylaminuria.

Patients secrete large amounts of trimethylamine in their sweat and urine. A special diet is recommended to treat the syndrome.

4. Cabbage as a trigger for body odor

Different types of cabbage can trigger body odor.

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and cabbage are all high in potassium and antioxidants. But they also contain a lot of sulfur. Sulfur can make sweat smell very unpleasant. 

The reason for this is that sulfur breaks down into various substances in the body that can trigger body odor.

The unpleasant smell sometimes even lasts for hours. The substances that develop in the body after sulfur is broken down may also cause gas.

To prevent this, you should avoid consuming varieties of cabbage on a daily basis. In moderation, however, cabbage is very healthy and completely unproblematic in terms of body odor. 

5. Muesli as a trigger for body odor

Muesli can actually be a trigger for body odor too.

Muesli often contains ingredients like cereals, bran, or nuts and oats. These ingredients aid digestion and contain a variety of valuable nutrients.

But here too, if you overdo it with the consumption of muesli, you will quickly suffer from flatulence and other gastrointestinal complaints as a result. 

To compensate for the negative effects of consuming excessive fiber, it is advisable to make sure to drink enough fluids. Drinking water balances the body and prevents unpleasant body odor.

6. Onions and garlic as triggers for body odor

Onions and garlic are triggers for body odor.

Onions and garlic are known to be triggers for body odor. It’s not a secret. Garlic, onions and chilli peppers are all foods that contain substances that the body must later process in the lungs and also remove through sweat.

This process can also trigger body odor. Both bad breath and body odor become stronger.

Due to the unpleasant bad breath immediately after consuming these foods, you should better avoid onions and garlic at a romantic dinner or business lunch.

7. Asparagus

Asparagus can also trigger body odor.

You would not have thought that asparagus could trigger body odor. As part of a balanced diet, asparagus has great benefits and is good for the body.

The vegetables are low in calories and rich in saponin and coumarin. Saponin and coumarin have many advantages, especially for people with sclerosis or stomach ulcers.

Coumarin has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Plus, asparagus is a great natural antioxidant and a powerful aphrodisiac. 

However, excessive consumption of asparagus can also have unpleasant side effects.

Asparagus can change the smell of sweat and urine. After eating asparagus, the urine often smells very unpleasant. Among other things, this has to do with the methanethiol gases that form in the intestine when asparagus is digested.

8. Red meat

Red meat triggers body odor.

Red meat is rich in iron, phosphates, zinc, vitamins and creatines. These are good for the body and health. On the other hand, red meat is digested very slowly by the body and is difficult for the intestine to absorb.

Those who eat red meat more than twice a week may notice a negative change in body odor. 

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