Flu: With These Tips You Will Get Fit Again Quickly!

Hot drinks and vapors with eucalyptus and other herbs help clear the airways and moisten the mucous membranes. Vitamin C is also very useful for relieving uncomfortable symptoms.

Influenza: With these tips you will get fit again quickly!

Influenza is one of the most common diseases in the world, especially in winter or with sudden temperature fluctuations, nobody is immune to it. Fortunately, there are several home remedies that can help overcome those pesky symptoms quickly.

It is no longer necessary to stay in bed for a week.

Read on to find out more on the subject.

Getting started treating flu

  • Treatment should be started immediately at the first symptoms to prevent the disease from progressing any further.  At the slightest reaction and at the first signs such as chills, sore throat, dizziness, etc., action must be taken. Don’t wait for the flu to develop fully.
  • Keeping your body warm, even if you feel feverish, as this will help eliminate the virus. The feet must also always be warm, because this is where most of the blood accumulates. So always put on socks or put your feet near the heater.
    • Consume hot dishes and avoid cold water or ice, for example, as these could worsen the symptoms.  A sufficient supply of fluids is very important. You should drink twice as much as you normally would, preferably lukewarm water and warm herbal teas. The loss of fluid could then make the symptoms even worse. Fever is a defense mechanism of the body because the heat then kills viruses.
    • Always use fresh handkerchiefs if necessary so that you don’t keep coming into contact with the virus. In this way you can also prevent infecting other people. It’s best to stay away from others and sleep in your own room so that other family members don’t get the flu too. You should sleep longer than normal to give your body time to recover.

      8 home remedies to quickly treat flu

      1. Inhale eucalyptus vapor for 10 minutes at least twice a day Cover your head with a towel and calmly inhale the hot steam.
      2. Chicken soup with onion and garlic can also help clear the airways.
      3. Elderberry tea relieves symptoms. Simply brew a tablespoon of elderberries with a cup of boiling water, let it steep and then drink this tea three times a day.
      4. Ginger is one of the best remedies for relieving muscle pain and colds. Grate the dry root, add the juice of half a lemon and then use it to make tea.
      5. A juice made from 150 g cabbage and 150 g orange can also be very effective. Process both ingredients into juice and drink several times a day.
      6. You can then smell crushed garlic wrapped in a cloth or handkerchief to open your nose.
      7. Tea with honey or propolis is also highly recommended.  It is excellent for colds and sore throats.
      8. You can also make onion juice at home. In a saucepan, cover a large sliced ​​onion with two glasses of white wine, then let it steep for 24 hours. Then strain, sweeten the liquid with honey and store in a glass jar. Drink half a glass of this home remedy on an empty stomach and then another half glass in the morning, in the afternoon and before going to bed. This treatment is carried out for a week.

      Images courtesy of William Brawley and Mcfarlandamo

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