Earthing: The Benefits Of Connecting To The Earth!

Earthing means walking barefoot on the earth, just as our ancestors did to reconnect with the earth. The regular connection with Mother Earth is said to improve health and calm the mind. Today we invite you to reflect on this subject with us. 

Earthing: The Benefits Of Connecting To The Earth!

There are few so simple, but at the same time so satisfying pleasures as the direct connection with the earth. We speak of grounding or earthing. Most of us find it very pleasant to walk barefoot on the ground or on the sand, or to feel the damp grass under our feet in the morning.

This enjoyable experience is available to us free of charge in nature and has enormous advantages that everyone can enjoy. Earthing  frees us from tension, renews our energy and acts directly on the nerve endings on the feet. It is an experience that heals our soul.

What is  Earthing ?

What is Earthin?
Earthing  enables us to enjoy the connection with nature and promote our well-being.

Another expression for  earthing is  grounding, but  the meaning is the same: feeling  the earth with bare feet and connecting with nature. The German word “Erdung” also describes this experience excellently.

The contact with the earth and the electrical energy that it radiates has a very beneficial effect on our body and soul. Various studies  suggest that the connection with the earth could have various benefits for physical and mental health. 

The followers of this practice emphasize that man in his origins could constantly enjoy the connection to the earth by walking barefoot, but modern man has practically lost this contact completely.

The  Earthing defenders  affirm that we lack this connection that our ancestors had,  as we are completely separated from the earth by shoes, carpets, and other obstacles.

Research on the subject suggests that  reconnecting with the earth can significantly improve physical functions. There is also talk of a possible reduction in exhaustion, tiredness, pain and depression.

Many who practice earthhing  mention that they have less muscle tension and that it calms their minds. They find their way back to the health that Mother Earth grants them.

Taking off your shoes and connecting to the earth should make it possible for the earth’s electrical charge to act on the organism. This assumption is finding more and more supporters worldwide.

The most important representative of this movement is the therapist Clint Ober, who explains that the body’s electrical charge is balanced after walking barefoot for 30 minutes and that this has a very positive effect on health.

What are the benefits of  Earthing?

What are the benefits of Earthing?
Grounding is said to have several advantages that have not yet been scientifically proven. But the practice is safe and promotes general well-being.

The connection with the earth is said to have various advantages,  which, however, have not yet been adequately researched. So we have to take into account that the scientific data on this subject is only anecdotal and appropriate studies need to be carried out.

However, the representatives of this movement particularly highlight the following advantages:

  • Relieves inflammation:  Contact with the earth is said to relieve inflammation and various cell damage.
  • Antioxidant Effects:  The practice of grounding and contact with the earth’s electronic charge is said to have an antioxidant effect, but there is no evidence of this.
  • Relaxing effect:  Contact with the earth can relieve anxiety and nervousness, balance the nervous system and promote calm.
  • More energy:  The return to the original connection with the earth helps to fill up with new energy and vitality.
  • Synchronization: The body can synchronize with the times of day (day / night), which promotes a restful night’s sleep and better well-being the next day.
  • Freed from stress:  through contact with the earth, we can switch off from the hectic pace and stress of everyday life and enjoy the original meaning of life.

How does grounding work?

If you want to follow this trend in order to be able to confirm the positive effects yourself, you can follow the following simple recommendations. The connection to the ground is completely natural and does not require much effort!

  • Going barefoot:  Whenever possible, it is advisable to go barefoot on fresh earth, in the grass or in the sand in order to activate the energy points on the soles of the feet.
  • Contact with water:  Energy is also channeled in water. It is highly recommended that you wash your hands frequently, go swimming, take a shower, etc.  Earthing supporters  assure that water also functions as a ladder.
  • Ground the bed: Some people use a piece of cloth, cable, or wire to ground the bed and sleep better. The next day you should wake up full of energy with it.
  • In addition to these recommendations  , some people use special carpets to put their feet on while working. 

Anyone who  practices Earthing  is convinced of the health benefits mentioned. In any case, this habit is very pleasant and improves general well-being. However, other positive effects still need to be scientifically researched.

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