Discover The New Food Pyramid For Healthy Eating

A healthy lifestyle with physical activity is the basis of the new food pyramid. One hour of physical activity per day is recommended to keep fit and prevent illness.

Discover the new food pyramid for healthy eating

Today we would like to tell you about the food pyramid for healthy eating. If you follow it, you can prevent disease and improve your health.

To stay healthy, we need to have a balanced diet. The best way to do this is to eat foods from different groups. We also need to supplement our diet with sufficient healthy physical activity.

Recently, the Spanish Society for Community Health (SENC) issued several new guides on how to eat healthily.

She also changed the food pyramid a  bit so that you can build a healthy life. The course also improves the quality of life.

A healthy lifestyle: the new foundation of the food pyramid

To eat healthy food

One of the biggest changes in the food pyramid happened right at the grassroots. The first step on the pyramid now is a healthy lifestyle. This includes at least 60 minutes of fitness a day.

This is the foundation because that is how you can maintain a healthy weight. You can do any physical activity.

The only important thing is to keep our body in shape, improve our condition and strengthen our immune and cardiovascular systems. This then supports you in preventing degenerative diseases.

Adequate exercise also makes it easier for us to avoid eating disorders, as an energetic balance is maintained. You will take care to nourish your body enough so that it has energy for all the activity.

If you have eaten too much, exercise will help you burn the calories again. So there are no love handles in the first place.

Eat all of the food groups

The second step on the new food pyramid is to eat from all groups. You should consume whole grains as well as whole grains, potatoes, and other healthily prepared carbohydrates.

Even fruits and vegetables should be two to three times a day are consumed. These foods contribute essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, which is why we should eat them every day.

Dairy products should also be part of our diet. If you suffer from lactose intolerance, then you can choose lactose-free products. If we pay attention to the slim line, there are also low-fat variants.

Ultimately, white meat, chicken and fish, ideally grilled or prepared with as little oil as possible, are also on the menu. Supplement with egg and other vegetable proteins.

Occasional products

A glass of wine

In the upper part of the food pyramid are those foods that we should only consume occasionally and in small quantities. This includes red meat and sausages.

So that these foods contribute to your diet and are not harmful to you, you should avoid methods of preparation with fat or oil. It is best to combine them with vegetables and healthy fats.

This is exactly how you should handle alcoholic beverages responsibly. It is known that drinks such as red wine, white wine and beer consumed in moderation also have health benefits.

But you should leave it at one glass a week. Also, always make sure you drink enough fluids after drinking alcohol.

Foods that should be consumed very rarely are those that are high in sugar and saturated fats. This includes donuts, ice cream, cupcakes, and snacks.

Nutritional supplements

At the top of the pyramid for healthy eating are nutritional supplements. You should eat as balanced as possible so that your body gets all the important nutrients from your food.

However, there are times when you need a little extra help at times. If so, speak to your doctor, as these drugs should be consumed under the supervision of an expert.

Dietary supplements can help make up for deficiencies in essential nutrients. However, they should not be used to replace a particular food.

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