Can You Donate Blood In Times Of Corona?

Nothing like it was a short time ago. The corona pandemic has brought about many changes for all of us and we are therefore faced with many questions. Would you like to know whether it is possible to donate blood during Corona times? Then read on, because today we are reporting on this topic. 

Can you donate blood in Corona times?

Usually, any adult who is healthy and fit can donate blood. This is very important in helping others in emergencies and saving lives. Donors are particularly in demand during the Corona crisis. That is why in today’s article we explain what has changed when donating blood and who can donate blood.

Why is it so important to donate blood?

Blood donors can be sure that they are helping to save lives. It is a gift for anyone in an emergency situation who needs a blood transfusion. 

Regular blood donations are important so that there are always sufficient blood reserves available, which can then be used when needed. The donation is an altruistic gesture because the volunteers do not receive any financial compensation. They are responsible, voluntary and anonymous citizens.

During the current pandemic, more people need medical attention,  so the need for blood donations is greater. The necessary blood reserves must be guaranteed during this difficult time. So donors are needed who, with their generosity, make an important contribution to general well-being.

Donate blood

How can you donate blood in times of corona?

Before you make the decision to donate blood, you should know about all preventive measures to avoid infection. In this case, specific protocols guarantee the well-being of the donor. Some of them are:

  • You have to make an appointment first. Find out from the responsible office how this works exactly.
  • In addition, the general precautionary measures are fundamental: 
    • Wash hands thoroughly.
    • Do not put your hands to your nose or mouth.
    • Cough or sneeze into a tissue (or the crook of your arm if you don’t have one).
    • Keeping social distance.
    • Wear a mask if possible while donating blood.
    • Inform about possible symptoms related to COVID-19.

When donating blood, all safety rules set by the responsible health authority are strictly adhered to. If there are any signs or suspicious symptoms, you will be informed accordingly.

Where can I donate blood?

In Germany, the Red Cross organizes the blood donation service. On the corresponding website you will find the hotline and further information about the possibilities of registering as a donor in the various federal states.

Man donating blood

Who can register as a donor?

There is currently no scientific evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen can be transmitted through blood and blood products. Therefore, no corresponding tests are carried out.

Whether a blood donation is possible or a deferral is necessary is usually decided based on the following criteria:

  • Anyone who is healthy and fit can register to donate blood.
  • If people willing to donate show symptoms such as sore throat, cough, shortness of breath or chills, they are usually postponed for 4 weeks.
  • Blood donation is not possible if the body temperature is 37.5ÂșC or higher. Those willing to donate are also put on hold for 4 weeks.
  • People who have had contact with a COVID-19 patient will be put on hold for 2 weeks.
  • People infected with SARS-CoV-2 must be put on hold for 4 weeks after healing.

Donating blood during the Corona crisis

We would like to remind you once again that especially in times of crisis it is very important to donate blood in order to have sufficient reserves. With the right safety regulations, (almost) anyone can do their part to save other people’s lives. 

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