Be A Super Mom? Follow These 7 Tips

If you want to be a “super mom”, it is not enough that you can organize your family and your job at the same time; the most important thing that makes a super mom stand out is her awareness of the need to delegate some things. This is how you can make sure everything works. Yourself too.

Be a super mom?  Follow these 7 tips

You might be wondering if it’s even possible to be a super mom ?

In today’s society, being a mother is often very hard and exhausting. Many women face the balancing act between their own careers and family life on a daily basis. And for many, this can be a real challenge.

Being a super mom doesn’t mean you have to take care of everything yourself at all times.

Countless tasks have to be mastered and completed every day. You have to keep the house clean, raise and raise the children, achieve full performance at work, live a partnership and in addition to all these requirements you should always be attractive and stay healthy … This is really an immense challenge for an individual.

Nevertheless, this is exactly what many women expect every day today. Could it be that we are actually expecting too much from ourselves?

Tips for a super mom

If you are aware of this basic fact and can accept it for yourself, then we have a few tips for you on how you can get a lot closer to your goal of being a super mom.

The following seven tips should inspire you to experience your role as a mother more consciously and to be able to lead your own life successfully and equally happily.

1. Love and forgiveness

Mother child - super mother

The basis of everything is the love you feel for your family. Children love hearing from their parents how much they are loved. You can never say enough to your children, “I love you” or “I love you”. But the words alone are not enough. Of course, the children have to feel this love too.

How can you let her feel this love

For example, you could agree on fixed times with them when you play together, fixed study times are also very important for children. And of course family time together and activities should definitely not be missing in the scheduling.

Nevertheless, set boundaries for them, because children need these in order to grow up healthy and understanding. And always speak to them openly and promptly if there are problems; Children need clear communication and guidelines that they can use as a guide.

In addition to love, another crucial aspect in dealing with one another is the ability to forgive one another. Errors and misunderstandings arise automatically in everyday life. They are quite normal in human coexistence. Therefore, the ability to ask for forgiveness and to forgive yourself at the same time is indispensable if you want to live your role as a mother consciously and responsibly.

A loving understanding that failure is a part of people’s growth process will help you a lot.

2. Set the right priorities

Schedule - super mom

Structure your schedule, prioritize the things that are important and always do them first. If you are still at work, good planning will help you complete all of the upcoming tasks on time. You know when you have to take your children to school and you can use the time afterwards to, for example, meet your professional obligations.

There are numerous technical aids that can help you organize and prioritize all of the upcoming tasks in your role as super mom. Use it! You should always do the most urgent and important tasks first and take notes of what other tasks still need to be done. This is how you make sure that you won’t forget anything.

For example, if you use online banking instead of going to the bank branch, you can save yourself a lot of time. You should also sort your emails so that you always see the most important and urgent ones first.

3. Make a budget for all household chores

Budget - Super Mom

Of course, when distributing the tasks, you should make sure that each family member is supposed to do the tasks that they can manage according to their age, physical ability and capabilities.

Excessive cleanliness and order are just as unhealthy as extreme disorder and poor hygiene. Therefore, strive for a balanced remedy. In any case, make sure that, as a super mother, you do not support “machismo”, i.e. any kind of macho behavior. “Papi” should also do housework.

4. Spend time together

In addition to all the duties and responsibilities that arise , enough space for time together as a family must be planned. You should have at least one meal a day together as a family. And of course neither the television nor cell phones should be at the table.

It has been proven that family meals together have a very positive effect on the physical and emotional health of children and adolescents.

You should also plan special time together for each child, as well as time together with your partner. And of course time for yourself too.

Remember, you can do things tomorrow that you couldn’t do today. But that doesn’t mean you should forget about them. The saying “postponed is not canceled” describes this very aptly.

5. Laughing and crying

Work - super mom

In everyday family life, good and sometimes not so good emotions and feelings arise. As a super mom, you enjoy spending time with your family and rejoice in the fact that you can be together.

Smile after a busy day at work. But you can also share your feelings and tears with your partner and your children if everything becomes too much for you. Allow yourself to be “weak” every now and then.

Feeling, communicating, and acting appropriately feelings and emotions is an important behavior that children need to learn. As a super mom, you should therefore be a good role model for them. It is not enough just to talk about it, children learn from you by watching you daily and imitating how you behave.

6. Appreciate and respect your children’s father

Vacation - Su

A super mom values ​​and respects the man who is the father of her children.

Share the tasks that arise, regardless of whether it is housework or bringing up the children.

In the event of a separation or divorce, you should definitely avoid your children not having regular contact with their father. Even if the father is not around or if he does not properly fulfill his obligations. In any case, a super mother prevents the children from developing resentment or hatred of the father. Relationship problems are problems facing two adults. Under no circumstances should you allow this to affect your relationship with your children. 

7. Take care of yourself too

Time for yourself - super mom

It is of course very important that you take care of your children and your partner. But it is equally important that you take care of yourself and your personal needs.

You surely want your children to eat healthily and exercise regularly. The best way to teach them this from a very young age is through your own behavior. Lead them by example.

If you ever feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities that family life entails, then it is good if you acquire strategies beforehand on how to deal with such situations. This also means that you do not shy away from seeking professional help in certain situations. Don’t forget, we’re all just human. Super mothers too.

Your mental and emotional balance also influences that of your children in a positive way.

A final few thoughts for all super moms

Being a super mom doesn’t mean that you have to be “perfect and flawless” in every relationship. The most important aspect of a conscious mothering role is that you accept and acknowledge that you also need help and support at times. If you can see when this is the case at the right time, then you can delegate tasks and responsibilities. Herein lies the true power and strength of a super mother.

This is especially important if you are raising your children on your own. Remember: There is always a helping hand somewhere, a grandmother, your siblings or other people close to you who can be at your side when you need them.

Your children need your care and guidance so that they can slowly grow and eventually grow up. A super mom loves, supports, encourages, understands, and when the time comes, lets go of her children. This is certainly a difficult step for every mother, but it is essential so that your children can take their own life into their hands and live and shape it according to their ideas.

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