Avoid Hair Loss: 7 Simple Tips

Stress or too little sleep can lead to hair loss!

Avoid Hair Loss: 7 Simple Tips

Haarausfal l is not only an aesthetic but also a health issue. In today’s article you will find 7 simple tips to avoid hair loss .

You can easily put our tips today into practice because they don’t cost anything. It’s worth a try! 

Is There Any Solution To Hair Loss?

Hair loss cannot always be treated, it depends on the causes. If hair loss is hereditary, it can be postponed, but not prevented.

In the case of causes such as poor nutrition, circulatory disorders or stress, however, there are various ways to  avoid urine loss  .

1. Reduce your salt intake

Avoid hair loss by reducing your salt intake

It sounds surprising, but less  salt in your diet can reduce hair loss. 

Too much salt damages the kidneys, which in turn affects various body functions and the mineral balance.

  • Avoid very salty foods (especially ready-made meals)!
  • Use sea salt or Himalayan salt, but only in very small amounts. You can use spices instead to make the food tasty. 

2. Avoid hair loss by massaging the scalp

Avoid hair loss by massaging the scalp 

You can stimulate blood flow to your scalp with a simple massage and prevent hair loss. Your hair will grow back stronger and healthier. 

Do not use too much force when massaging:

  • Massage the scalp gently using circular motions.
  • Start at the hairline on your forehead and work your way back to the nape of the neck.
  • If you wish, you can use vegetable oils (coconut oil, rapeseed oil, olive oil, jojoba oil …) or essential oils (rosemary, lavender, cinnamon, mint).
  • Let the selected oil soak into the skin overnight and wash your hair as usual the next morning.

3. Brush daily

Avoid hair loss with daily brushing

Grandma already knew that: 100 brush strokes a day make your hair beautiful and strong. This is particularly due to the improved  blood flow. In addition, the natural oils are distributed all over the hair.

Use a wooden brush with natural bristles and you will see great results quickly.

  • You can brush your hair from front to back as usual. Then bend your head forward and brush your hair again from the nape of the neck to the center of the head.

4. Lemon juice

Avoid hair loss with lemon juice

A common cause of hair loss is iron deficiency. However, you should only take iron-containing food supplements with a doctor’s prescription, as side effects could also occur.

With vitamin C you can improve your iron absorption, so this vitamin should not be missing in your diet!

  • A little tip: Use freshly squeezed lemon juice as a marinade for your salads! It contains a lot of vitamin C. 

    5. Headstand!

    With a headstand you can also promote the blood circulation in the head area – if you are talented in gymnastics, this is one way to prevent hair loss.

    6. Avoid hair loss with adequate sleep

    Avoid hair loss with adequate sleep

    Poor sleep quality not only has a negative impact on performance, it can also lead to hair loss. A restful  sleep is therefore very important! 

    7. Avoid stress

    Stress is an epidemic and a dire enemy of the entire body. This causes different symptoms, including hair loss. Learn to manage stress properly  and enjoy the little everyday things.

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