Antibiotics From Nature Against Minor Infections

Pharmaceutical antibiotics should only be used for severe infectious diseases. For a long time, viruses, fungi and bacteria were strengthened through arbitrary use. But there are also antibiotics from nature! So you can use numerous plants, roots and flowers as natural antibiotics for mild infections.

Antibiotics from nature against minor infections

Antibiotics from nature to fight minor infections are the best alternative to do something good for your health.

You should only use antibiotics processed in the pharmaceutical industry for serious infectious diseases.

However, its rather arbitrary use creates more and more problems for human health.

Nature is incredibly rich and diverse. It offers a variety of possibilities to take action against a wide variety of diseases and complaints.

Antibiotics from nature have always been used. But over time we have lost knowledge of it.

Due to the preferred use of pharmaceutical antibiotics, we have forgotten how to fall back on natural alternatives. These actually have great benefits for our health.

What you should know about antibiotics

What to know about antibiotics

The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has made bacteria and viruses more and more resistant. Many diseases do not even have to be treated with conventional antibiotics.

Nevertheless, these were almost arbitrarily prescribed for the treatment of all kinds of infections and diseases. But antibiotics are completely ineffective for viral diseases, for example.

In contrast to antibiotics from nature, pharmaceutical products attack the intestinal flora. But this is essential for our health.

However, the antibiotics kill these good intestinal bacteria unnecessarily. And that in turn impairs the healing process for all diseases.

Antibiotics from nature against minor infections


Horseradish is one of nature’s most effective antibiotics. Whether red or white, this tuber can be more effective than chemical drugs.

In addition, the vegetables have a delicious taste. Above all, it goes well with salads or for seasoning meat or fish.

Horseradish is very effective in treating sinusitis. Horseradish also helps very well with respiratory diseases such as colds, flu or lung problems.

It is also effective in treating urinary tract infections.

Horseradish also stimulates certain enzymes that inhibit cancerous cells. In this way, it can prevent the spread of various cancer cells.

Black locust

The black locust is also known as the false acacia. It is very useful in treating inflammation of the skin. It is also effective for respiratory diseases. It also helps with biliary and urinary tract infections.

Its flowers can be used for infections or to treat wounds. They have a wide range of antibiotic effects. That’s because they contain alkaloids, among other things.

The medicinal properties of the black locust are all in its flowers. You can use them to prepare teas and aromatic water. But the seeds and the bark of the tree should not be used. Because these are poisonous.


Eucalyptus oil - antibiotics from nature

Eucalyptus oil is one of nature’s best antibiotics for treating respiratory diseases.

It is rich in cineole. It is a substance with a broad spectrum of antibiotic activity and antiviral properties.

Eucalyptus oil has other uses as well. So it’s used against the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

It is also a pain reliever. And not only that: it also stimulates the immune system.

You can also mix equal parts eucalyptus oil with apple cider vinegar. That way, you can use it as a powerful antiseptic for treating wounds, boils, and insect bites.

Canadian turmeric

The Canadian turmeric can be found in many gardens as an ornamental plant. But it is also a medicinal herb. It contains important nutrients. And it has many positive properties for your health and that of your family.

This plant is rich in berberine. This substance is very effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi. Prepared as a tea, you can use it to treat urinary tract or throat complaints. It also helps with problems with the skin.


Licorice root is one of nature’s antibiotics used to fight infections in the oral cavity. The extract obtained from this root is very effective.

This can keep teeth and gums healthy. In addition, the liquorice root also has a strong antiviral effect. They can also be used to treat herpes. It also helps with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis.

In Chinese medicine, liquorice is widely used. It is used to prevent stomach ulcers. Because it is very effective against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori .

However, you shouldn’t take too much of it. Long-term use is also not advisable. Because then it can cause headaches, fatigue or high blood pressure.

Grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit seed extract - antibiotics from nature

The extract is obtained from the first cold pressing of the grapefruit seeds. This extract is a great natural disinfectant. And also a powerful natural broad spectrum antibiotic.

It is effective against fungi, bacteria, viruses and intestinal parasites.

You can use the grapefruit seed extract internally as well as externally.

When used internally, it helps to strengthen the defenses of the immune system. And externally, you can apply it to wounds and cuts. This is how it prevents inflammation.

Final considerations

So nature really offers a variety of possibilities. It will help you fight all kinds of inflammation.

Nevertheless, people are convinced: the pharmaceutical antibiotics are the only effective ones.

We don’t just use them to treat diseases in our body. They also find indiscriminate uses in agriculture and livestock farming.

So mankind has reached the following point: We have made bacteria and viruses stronger and more resistant. That is why we need increasingly aggressive antibiotics.

If you use naturally occurring antibiotics instead , they can even boost your immune system. This leads to the fact that the human body can cope with infections on its own.

So you see: It is worth trying antibiotics from nature. So you too can fall back on a natural alternative! Because your health and the environment will thank you.

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