Sore Throats – Natural Healing Methods

Did you know that you can use water with a little salt or baking soda to effectively relieve sore throats? In this way, inflammation can be treated and pathogens eliminated.

Sore throats - natural healing methods

Sore throats  are one of the most common ailments, especially during the winter months. Pain occurs, we feel weak and our everyday life is affected. Following we would like you some tried and tested home remedies  present to strep throat  to heal.

Home remedies for strep throat

Sore throat

The cold winter, sudden changes in weather or temperature, air conditioning, stress, etc. can be the cause of a dry throat or sore throat. Bacteria, viruses or injuries are the triggers, although in more severe cases antibiotic treatment and a few days’ rest may be necessary.

If the immune system is weakened  and the defenses decrease as a result, the risk of infections and other diseases is higher. It is therefore of great importance to always adhere to a healthy diet in order to remain resilient.

1. Thyme-lemon tea with honey

Nothing simpler than the combination of these 3 elements. Thyme is a powerful antiseptic that fights germs, while honey has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and sore throats. Lemon juice provides valuable vitamins.

  • Boil 2 tablespoons of fresh thyme in one liter of water.
  • Add the juice of one lemon and the untreated peel and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Filter the tea after 10 minutes of steeping time.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey and take a cup every now and then throughout the day.

2. Saline solution for gargling

  • Dissolve 1 spoonful of salt in 250 ml of water.
  • Gargle this solution every hour without swallowing it. The solution should reach the throat and linger there for a few seconds. Spit it out and repeat the procedure.
  • Instead of salt you can also use an apple cider vinegar or baking soda solution  (1 teaspoon per glass of water). The swelling is reduced and bacteria and germs disappear. A good solution to sore throats.

3. Garlic – a natural antibiotic

Cloves of garlic for sore throats

Garlic is considered to be one of the most effective and powerful natural antibiotics. It is easily available everywhere, very healthy and has no side effects. That is why this white tuber is highly recommended, also for sore throats:

  • Crush 1 clove of garlic and mix it with 1/2 glass of water, then drink immediately.
  • Repeat this 2 times a day. The breath can be a bit uncomfortable afterwards, but the remedy helps excellently.

    4. Chamomile poultices

    Chamomile for sore throats

    Moist chamomile compresses around the neck can also be very effective in  relieving swelling and pain. The envelopes are prepared as follows:

    • Make a tea with 3 spoons of chamomile and 200 ml of water.
    • Let the tea cool down a little (lukewarm).
    • Now moisten a cloth with the tea and place it on your neck. Once the envelope is completely cold, repeat the procedure. Use the compresses for 20 minutes.

    5. Turmeric green tea

    Tea for sore throats

    Simple and helpful: the combination of green tea and turmeric soothes swelling and inflammation.

    • Prepare a green tea as usual. As soon as the water boils, add 1/2 teaspoon turmeric.
    • Take this tea after 5 minutes of steeping time with a little honey. You will soon feel more comfortable.

    6. Get some rest

    Relaxed sleep

    In the fight against inflammation, your body needs to recover in order to  regain its strength.  Taking time to rest and relax will aid recovery.

    If you have an infection, 10 to 11 hours of sleep are recommended. So lie down a little in the afternoon and get enough sleep at night.

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