Natural Drinks For Mental Fatigue

Both oats and bananas provide a lot of energy. In addition, the organism transforms the tryptophan contained in the banana into serotonia. This improves our state of mind.

Natural drinks for mental fatigue

Everyone knows mental fatigue and exhaustion due to professional or personal duties and periods of stress. The following drinks can help here: They taste delicious and also ensure better cognitive performance. 

1. Smoothie with oatmeal, banana and honey for mental fatigue

What do I need?

  • 1 ripe banana
  • oatmeal
  • Greek yogurt
  • Skimmed milk
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • some cinnamon

How do I prepare the shake?

This shake is very effective in relieving mental fatigue. The production is very simple:  soak the oat flakes for a while in warm water, then pour off the water, cut the banana into pieces and process with all other ingredients in a blender or blender.

Incidentally, Greek yogurt is healthy for the immune system and ensures a good intestinal flora.

This shake tastes best when cold. It has a refreshing effect and provides a  lot of energy and minerals that  will make you feel fitter right away.

2. Juice with carrots, beets and apples against dried fruits


What do I need?

  • 1 medium-sized beetroot or turnip
  • 1 green apple
  • a carrot
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 1 glass of water

How do I prepare the juice?

This juice tastes delicious and will also make you  mentally fit.  Green apples help with fat loss and regulate cholesterol levels. In combination with the beets and carrots, an invigorating juice is created that is rich in vitamins and minerals.

The cucumber supplies the organism with moisture  and is therefore also important. This natural tonic also helps cleanse and detoxify the liver and kidneys. This combination is an excellent help with fatigue and high loads.

Simply wash the fruits and vegetables and then cut them into pieces so that everything fits better in the blender and process them into juice. This drink tastes best at room temperature as well as cold. You will like it.

3. Drink with almonds, melon and grapes against mental fatigue

melon juice

What do I need?

  • 2 melon slices
  • 1 glass of almond milk
  • 10 seedless grapes

    How do I prepare the juice?

    This juice is especially recommended in the morning. If you frequently wake up with mild headaches, apathy, and mental fatigue, this drink can provide you with energy and strength.

    Almond milk is available in many supermarkets or you can also make it yourself. Almonds are among the healthiest dried fruits: They contain a lot of magnesium, for example,  which is good for headaches, tiredness and joint pain.

    Depending on the season and your wishes, you can choose the type of melon, but it must not be ready-made juice, the fresh fruit is used for this drink. Cut the melon slices into pieces and then process them with the grapes and almond milk in a blender or blender.

    It may be necessary to first remove the skin and seeds from the grapes – even if they contain valuable active ingredients – this depends on the performance of the blender. This juice has an invigorating effect, tastes delicious and is also highly recommended against mental fatigue.

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