Massage Against Cellulite

The fingertips and knuckles are used for the massage: always in an ascending direction, especially on the thighs, which are part of the problem area.

Cellulite massage

Cellulite is not a disease, but many suffer from it. There are no miracle cures for unsightly orange peel, but you don’t have to think about cosmetic surgery right away. Sometimes a  massage for cellulite can help.

You can prevent or reduce cellulite with appropriate exercises, massages and a proper diet . In this post you will learn how you can do an anti-cellulite massage yourself.

1. Homemade, effective anti-cellulite cream

anti-cellulite cream

Almost all women suffer from cellulite. These are fluid and fat deposits under the skin, mostly on the thighs and buttocks. This is a cosmetic problem and it is also an indication of circulatory problems.

But what can you do? Expensive plastic surgery? We recommend treating cellulite naturally. Make your own anti-cellulite cream, this is very simple and then also very effective:

What is needed for this?

  • A spoon of coffee grounds or 2 used coffee capsules.
  • 2 spoons of olive oil
  • 1 spoon of almond oil
  • the juice of half a lemon


  • Coffee is the perfect means for a firming, blood-circulation-enhancing peeling. It is an excellent anti-cellulite product, and some use it to tighten the stomach. In combination with the lemon juice, the effect is even better.
  • Mix all of the ingredients in a container. Even if the remedy looks a bit strange, it works great.
  • Then add some shower gel to this mixture. If this is moisturizing, so much the better. Mix everything well and have the anti-cellulite cream ready for the massage.

    2. Anti-cellulite massage


    Massages are perfect for activating blood circulation and as lymph drainage. They also have an extremely relaxing and at the same time stimulating effect, whether on the legs, neck or head.

    A massage is good for pain, tension, stiff muscles, etc. and is also highly recommended for fluid retention and stress.

    Do this massage daily in the morning and in the evening and you will gradually reduce the unsightly orange peel. Be consistent if you want good results.

    Cellulite massage

    1. Shower first so that the skin is clean and free of impurities. It is best to take a cold shower on the legs, because this way you can promote blood circulation and prevent varicose veins at the same time.

    2. Warm up the homemade anti-cellulite cream in your hands.

    3. Start the massage from the bottom up, that is, from the calves to the thighs. Ideally, the movements should always be carried out towards the heart in order to promote blood circulation.

    Massage the thighs more intensely, as cellulite is more likely to occur in this area.

    4. The movements should always be carried out slowly from the bottom up. If you also suffer from cellulite in the abdominal area, you can also do massages here. Use gentle, circular movements with enough anti-cellulite cream.

    5. You can use your palms as well as your fingertips and knuckles for this self-massage .  You can apply a little more pressure with your knuckles and fingertips, but you shouldn’t feel any pain.

    Make long, circular motions while pinching the skin, this is very effective.

    6. If there is an area that is not easily accessible  and the massage cannot be performed properly, you can use a wooden massage brush. This also promotes blood circulation.

    7. As you can see, this anti-cellulite massage is very simple. It is important that you remain constant: every day in the morning and in the evening! Also make sure you have a healthy diet with plenty of fluids, antioxidants, and fruit, and exercise for at least half an hour each day.

    Get started today, you won’t regret it!

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