How You Manage To Do Sports Again After A Long Break

How to get back to exercise after a long break

Maybe you’ve had an injury, had a baby, changed work or changed residence. In any case, it’s been weeks, even months, since you last moved a lot. If you want to do sports again after a long break, it can be a bit of an effort at first.

Of course you have to get yourself up again first. If you recognize yourself in the situation described above, then don’t miss this article. Learn how to get back to exercise after a long break .

The first step is the hardest

You often hear that the most important thing is to get through the first week and then the first month. This applies equally to all sports, whether you go to the gym, run through the park, or do exercises at home.

There are various reasons why we leave the previously observed, healthy routine : an accident that may even happen while playing sports, a lot of work, the children, parties, celebrations, exams and the weather. After that it is difficult to pack the bag and step outside the door. At some point it will get better, the injury is healed, the job is done, the exam is passed, the sun is shining.

As mentioned earlier, it is particularly difficult to find the motivation to return to exercise after a long break. If it’s been some time since we last exercised, the first workout usually feels like we’ve never moved in our lives. We seem to have completely lost the years of training.

Once you’ve got used to the movement again, it’s fun again, almost on its own. The first couple of days you need to get used to you and your body back to the load. And when the first month has passed after a new start, then we keep the routine.

If you want to go back to exercise after a long break, you need motivation.

Don’t forget that exercise is synonymous with health. Not only does exercise help you lose weight, it strengthens your lungs and cardiovascular system, cleanses the blood, eliminates toxins, relieves tension, reduces stress, puts you in a good mood, and lets you sleep better. You just feel better all around.

Tips for getting back into sport

Read the following tips carefully; they will help you regain regular exercise when you return to exercise after a long break.

Find out why you want to exercise

We all have different reasons for doing sports. You know best why you want to move. It is important that you have a clear goal in mind before you start again.

Get on again slowly

Do not try to reach your old level during the first training session. When you have recently run another 2 km, start now with a lap around the sports field. Be patient with yourself and do not overwhelm yourself. Start slowly and increase the load, difficulty and speed over time. Otherwise, the expected failures will quickly frustrate you and you won’t last a month.

For example, if you were one of the advanced learners before, you can now train like a beginner again. For a few days at least. And then like an advanced beginner. After a month you will be fit enough again to train at the level you previously achieved.

Be realistic

It is important to understand that after a week or month break, your fitness may not be the very best. Nevertheless, your body will be grateful to you from the first training session, your ability to concentrate will improve and you can sleep better at night. Perhaps you have gained weight or notice that you are short of air during the exercise. Understand your body, give it some time to get back to its old shape.

When you return to exercise after a long break, you need patience.

Free up space in your diary

“No time” does not apply. If you manage your time well, you can find time to exercise two or three times a week. Or an hour every day. How did you do that before When and where did you find time to move? Does this routine still fit into your everyday life?

Make a change

Variety is especially important if you lack the necessary motivation. If you move and have fun at the same time, you benefit twice from it. This way, there is no boredom that could lead you to stop doing the sport again.

Try doing a few different exercises every day. Take a walk on Monday, lift some weights on Tuesday, go for a bike ride on Wednesday, go dancing on Thursday and run on Friday. This is a pretty comprehensive workout that can be very enjoyable.

Take breaks

After a strenuous training session, a day off is perfectly fine. Only one, unless you have other plans for the entire weekend, then it can be two. When you are sick, you shouldn’t overload your body. You are doing yourself a disservice and your comrades either. You know best how you feel.

Be honest with yourself and decide whether your discomfort is really the reason why you want to skip the training. Especially when you return to exercise after a long break, you may need more breaks.

When you return to exercise after a long break, you need breaks.

Find a fellow traveler

It’s just not the same to be alone or with someone. This could be a friend, your partner, your work colleague, or just someone who doesn’t want to exercise alone. Agreements motivate you to stick to planned training units, and it’s just a lot more fun. And don’t just meet to chat or eat, you can do that after exercising.

Set realistic goals for yourself

Don’t try to make up for everything you’ve missed in the past few weeks and months in a short amount of time. This is not going to work. The goals you set should be achievable. It is motivating when you approach them, and you will be satisfied with yourself when you make them a reality. Then set yourself a new goal. Do not overload yourself, the sport should be fun and not torture.

Reward yourself

When you’ve managed to get back into exercise after a long break, treat yourself to a treat.  A small one, especially if the reward is very high in calories. A visit to the cinema is also conceivable or you buy the shirt that you have wanted for a long time. This motivates you to work on realizing your new goal.

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