Uncomfortable Shoes And Aching Feet? Simple Home Remedies Help

Salt baths are one of the best remedies for relieving pain in the feet. They have a relaxing effect and at the same time prevent the skin from drying out and hardening

Uncomfortable shoes and aching feet?  Simple home remedies help

Our feet carry our entire body weight, from early morning to late evening, day in and day out. Therefore,  aching feet are something very uncomfortable.

Even at home we’re on our feet, we start running when we’re in a hurry and when fashion or etiquette demands it, we also put on high heels. Our everyday life therefore means a lot of stress for our feet.

As if that weren’t enough, there are of course many diseases that affect the feet and sore feet could indicate this. Our quality of life then suffers as a result.

Many of us take healthy feet for granted and only pay the necessary attention to their care when the symptoms begin to bother us.

Then solutions are urgently sought. Our footwear can cause sore feet.

That is why we invite you to take a short walk today, on which you will receive valuable tips on the prophylaxis and relief of foot pain caused by shoes. Put on comfortable shoes!

How to Avoid Sore Feet

If your favorite shoes are the ones that put your feet down the hardest, then the following advice can be very useful.

Tie the shoes differently

Sometimes we tie our shoes incorrectly without realizing it. The feet suffer and tire quickly and start to hurt. It is not recommended to tie your shoes too tightly or too loosely.

Have you ever tried on pumps with straps?

High-heeled shoe straps

If the heels of your shoes are problematic for you and you feel uncomfortable walking in them, straps may be a solution. They can also be retrofitted and give you more stability and security when walking in your high heels.

Take breaks for sore feet

If you wear or have to wear tight shoes or high heels for a long time, give your feet a break every now and then. In this way you can improve their blood circulation and relax your feet.

It is a good idea to put your feet up for 5 minutes so that they are relieved of strain and blood circulation works better.

Use gel insoles in your shoes

Gel inserts

There are different gel inserts for different types of shoes. In high heels are toe saver very helpful to be placed in the toe and reduce stress on the feet while occurrence with high heel shoes.

They are available in shoe stores and large department stores and are good for sore feet.

Prevent bubbles

In the best case, you don’t have to keep your feet healthy, but rather prevent pain. If you suspect that you will get blisters in your shoes, get an appropriate bladder protector.

It comes in different forms, the best known are probably the blister plasters. You can also protect your feet by wearing suitable stockings.

Have your shoes dilated?


Fabric shoes in particular tend to widen. To remedy this, put the shoes in a plastic bag filled with ice and they will contract again. You can also integrate an insert into the shoes, but then there is a risk that it will rub against your feet.

Natural remedies for aching feet

In many cases it seems almost inevitable to come home with sore feet in the evening. That is why we are now giving you a number of tips with which you can give your feet relief and relaxation.

Salt water bath

The classic bath with Epsom salt or coarse salt is certainly one of the best remedies for relieving pain in the feet and preventing the skin from drying out or keratinizing.

To do this, put half a cup of salt in a container filled with warm water and soak your feet in it for 20 minutes.

Chamomile infusion

Chamomile bath

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, relaxing properties that can provide quick relief to your sore feet. Chamomile also helps against calluses.

In order to be able to use them for you, you have to prepare one to two liters of an infusion in which you then bathe your feet for 20 minutes.

It is also possible to soak cloths with this infusion and then place them on your feet.

An infusion with ginger

Ginger is a root known around the world for its potent pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties that we can benefit from in a number of ways.

With an infusion of ginger you can relax your feet within a few minutes, so that they are fit for the next day.

To do this, put a large piece of ginger in boiling water, let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes and then dip your feet in the infusion.



Of course, massages should not be missing from our list of foot remedies. Relaxation massages, which give your feet immediate relief, are particularly effective .

After a busy day, a massage is incredibly good. Massage them with a little olive oil, mint, or lavender.

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