Is It A Token Of Love When You Fight For Your Relationship?

If only you are fighting in your relationship to keep you together and your partner no longer tries, then you should realize that your relationship has no future. You should end the relationship with a heavy heart. Because, even if your effort may be a proof of love from your point of view, is that really the case?

Is it a token of love when you fight for your relationship?

The struggle for love can be a very romantic notion. If you think of times gone by, then it was certainly a proof of love when the knight fought for the favor of his beloved. But is it still a romantic act today?

The fight for love takes on a completely different meaning when you are fighting for a relationship that is actually long over.

To find out if a relationship is really worth fighting for, you should understand your motivations. Why exactly do you want to hold onto this relationship? How do you want to fight for her?

Maybe you are being abused by your partner, physically or psychologically. That is definitely anything but a token of love. Yet you cannot break up because you just want the relationship to continue.

Does it really always make sense to fight to stay with someone? Wise people say love should never be a struggle. It is created anew every day, it is constantly growing. And that can only happen if both partners allow it and are ready for it.

As soon as you get the feeling that your relationship is no longer good for you and that you have to make enormous efforts to endure the common togetherness, then you actually know exactly that something is wrong. And yet you will likely refuse to accept it. Instead, you will try to tear down the invisible wall that has formed between you.

The fight for a relationship is an enormous effort – but is it also a proof of love?

time together - a proof of love

It is very important that you realize that fighting over a relationship can be a tremendous effort and possibly a waste of energy. You spend a tremendous amount of time and effort trying to save a relationship that may already be over. And maybe, despite all the circumstances, you will find your efforts a token of love for your partner.

Perhaps you’ve even split up several times and got back together again and again? You probably know the term “on-off relationship” for this.

It could also be that your partner lives very far away from you, so you are in a long-distance relationship. And no matter how much time has passed, it seems that this state will never change, so you will never lead a life together.

These different situations have one thing in common. Although you are not happy with the current state of affairs, you still do not give up hope for change and you still have unrealistic expectations of the relationship.

Of course, it would be possible for you to end the relationship and stop fighting for it. But almost all of us have held onto a hopeless relationship at some point. And of course we knew the reasons why we did this.

It almost seems as if love justifies almost everything and there is still a very powerful belief about it: you have to fight for love and you have to be strong. This is a token of love. But is this belief really true?

It depends. For example, a couple lives in an on-off relationship, separates every few months, but keeps getting back together. When will this couple finally realize that this condition will not change in the long run?

Or a couple has been in a long-distance relationship for years and there are no indications that they will lead a life together at some point in the future. How long do you think they will both hold on to the unrealistic notion that something can move forward in their relationship?

“In the past, young people fought a lot more for their relationship”

older people - a token of love

This statement, which is very often made by the older generation, highlights an important point.

Yes, it may be that we approach relationships very differently today and have to worry far less about them. Of course, this is not always the case, but certainly more often than before.

But one thing is certain. Striving for a relationship or fighting over a relationship should never mean telling yourself, “I have to accept that my partner is abusing me, disrespecting me, or humiliating me in some way.” And also sentences like “I have to come to terms with my partner’s infidelity.” are anything but a proof of love and have no place in a relationship.

In any case, there are situations in a partnership that you have to master and endure together, that is out of the question. But as soon as one partner inflicts pain and suffering on the other, this is certainly anything but a token of love and you should never accept such behavior.

Of course there are also situations in which both partners have to stick together and support each other. For example, if your partner becomes unemployed and maybe even gets into financial difficulties. When your children together can hardly be tamed during puberty. In such situations it is normal and natural that we support each other.

Both partners must make a contribution here to ensure that the relationship survives such difficulties. By overcoming such external influences together, the partnership can grow and mature in the long term.

But if your partner knowingly causes you distress and pain, for whatever reason, why should you endure and endure it? Maybe so that he can shrink you as a person or even destroy you?

There are limits in love too

Couple - a proof of love

If you are struggling to keep the two of you together, then you should seriously consider whether this relationship really has any lasting value.

In our examples, we have shown you that sometimes your relationship is exactly the opposite of what you would like. And although you know that this partnership is no longer good for you, you hold on to it. You act like this because you believe that you are doing this for love and thus provide a proof of love.

Or maybe you just forgot that love is not always everything in life. And also that love doesn’t justify everything. You may have fallen in love with someone who first went out of their way to help you. In the course of the relationship, however, you notice that this person hurts and offends you again and again. Just because you didn’t realize it at the beginning doesn’t mean you have to put up with it permanently.

Never forget: you are always the most important person in your life. If you are no longer happy and are fighting for a relationship that is no longer worth going on, then you should stop lying to yourself and better end it.

In order to make such decisions, it is very helpful if you try to look at the situation from the outside. This will give you a new perspective on your relationship and will allow you to make better decisions for yourself.

And last but not least, of course, you can save yourself a lot of energy and effort if you stop engaging in a relationship that is no longer. You are solely responsible for yourself and for your well-being.

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