Apple And Oats: The Ideal Combination For Your Health

Find out today why apples and oats in combination have the best effects on your health and are an ideal breakfast.

Apple and oats: the ideal combination for your health

Apple and oats for breakfast is an extremely healthy combination in terms of your blood values, protection against heart disease, obesity and moods on a psychological level. Find out why apples and oats can do a lot more for you than just make a delicious breakfast.

Apple and oats for breakfast

If you want to combine apples and oats , breakfast is recommended. Mix it into a simple muesli, which you can enjoy with animal or plant-based milk or refine with suitable spices such as cinnamon or vanilla.

Apple and oats are also a good breakfast as a drink, for example if you make a milk mix drink by mixing apples and oats in the form of apple pulp and melted flakes with a milk drink. Fresh apples can also be mashed with it – and always with the peel, please!

Find out why apples and oats are so healthy:


Health Benefits of Apples

Apples are real all-rounders! You are not only a supplier of vitamins, but also a supplier of minerals, fiber, digestive aid, remedy and satiety-maker all in one!

Studies have found that polyphenols (a type of secondary plant substance) protect against colon cancer. There are a particularly large number of polyphenols in fresh, crunchy apples, for example.

Apples are high in fiber. They are found in apples in the form of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber is what you don’t see but which is still good for your gut and health.

The pectins in apples are one of them, for example. They contain even more if you don’t peel them, but eat them with the peel (organic quality!).

There are many minerals in apples, there are more than 20! The delicious fruits contain a particularly large amount of magnesium and potassium.

There are also around 30 vitamins in an apple! To list them all would be too much of a good thing, but the number alone certainly shows you how healthy an apple is! The most important vitamins in it are: provitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, lots of vitamin C, vitamin E and also niacin and folic acid.

Health benefits of oats

Oats are a valuable source of carbohydrates – and the most important fuel for our muscle engine is and will remain carbohydrates.

The carbohydrates with which our muscle motor can do something in the long term are of course not those from sugar, but the carbohydrates that are found in cereal products. Carbohydrates also keep you full for a long time and prevent us from snacking and snacking unnecessarily between meals.

About 15% protein is in oats, which is not that little! Protein is one of the three “macronutrients” (carbohydrates, protein, fat) that must be included in our daily food so that the body is optimally supplied.

Vegetable protein is of higher quality for your body than animal protein. With oats you have a high-quality vegetable protein source in your cereal bowl!

Oatmeal is also high in fiber. In order to stay full for a long time after a meal, the fiber content of the meal must be high. The blood sugar level rises only slowly, little insulin is released – the drop in the blood sugar level after digestion is flat and therefore gentle and gentle on the organism.

They not only ensure a favorable course of the blood sugar level, but also a healthy digestion and, as a result, a good stool volume. Studies also suggest that a high-fiber breakfast can even lower cholesterol.

Dietary fiber in oats

Oats are also good for the psyche

Oatmeal contains a lot of magnesium. Magnesium acts on the synapses of the nerve cells in a similar way to other prescription antidepressants and is in many cases even recommended by doctors as supportive treatment for depressive moods.

In addition, the body can produce the happiness hormone serotonin from the complex carbohydrates in oats.

Oats contain a lot of vitamin B1, which is also called thiamine. Vitamin B1 is also known as the “nerve vitamin”, it accelerates the transmission of stimuli between the nerve cells and preserves the nerve and heart muscle tissue.

Vitamin B1 is also the “energy supply vitamin”, without which no carbohydrates and fats can be metabolized!

Apple and oats

Complete package apple and oats

Now that you know you have apple and oats in combination

  • lower your cholesterol levels,
  • reduce your risk of cancer,
  • stabilize your psyche,
  • provide your body with important minerals and vitamins,
  • build up your intestinal flora and
  • regulate your digestion,

From now on there is no longer any reason for bread with toppings for breakfast!

Please buy organically grown apples and oats, because this is the only way to ensure that the positive health effects are not negated by pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and waxes. An apple is particularly healthy if you also eat the peel.

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