Why You Should Drink Water After Getting Up

If you drink water while eating, it could affect digestion. It is better to take the water before eating, because it protects the stomach walls and has a filling effect. You can use it to prevent overeating.

Why you should drink water after you wake up

Again and again you hear or read that you should drink water in the morning . What’s behind it? Why is it so important? What makes this habit so healthy? We’ll explain it to you!

Why drink water ?

The human body of an adult consists of 65% water, the brain even more than 80%! In order to maintain all body functions, our body always needs enough fluid.

Preferably in the form of pure water. Make sure the water you drink is rich in minerals. It pays to compare the labels in the supermarket with a little time. Take the water that has the highest mineral content.

If you don’t like it, choose the one with the second highest mineral content. In this way, while drinking, you supply your body with important minerals that it needs to keep its bodily functions upright!

Why drink water after getting up?

During the night, when you sleep, you lose a lot of fluid through your breath and skin. Therefore, fold back your duvet to allow the moisture to escape from your bed.

But then make sure to replenish the fluid that your body has lost! A large glass of water is an ideal way to start the day. This not only wakes you up, but also your entire organism from within and prepares your digestive tract for breakfast.

You should also drink enough water at breakfast. A large cup of tea, for example, helps to bring the fluid balance into balance in the morning!

Water ice cubes

Against headaches

Lack of fluids is one of the most common reasons for tension headaches. With a large glass of water in the morning, you can prevent the headache from grabbing you during the course of the day.

Against congestion

If you don’t drink enough, your intestines are not getting enough fluid to work optimally – the stool becomes hard and firm.

Two liters of water are the minimum for a sluggish bowel, and more if you are constipated! You don’t have to go to the nearest pharmacy straight away to get (usually expensive) help.

Teas against water retention

Against water retention

Drinking a lot promotes a good metabolism, which in turn ensures that the body has a balanced fluid ratio. Drinking a lot does not mean: a lot of water retention, but exactly the opposite!

Please only drink calorie-free drinks such as water or herbal teas in order not to gain weight or store water with sugar again!

Activates the circulation

If the body is not supplied with enough fluids, the blood becomes thicker. The heart has to do more to keep the circulation going and to supply all cells with the red juice of life.

If you drink enough, your circulation will remain more stable. Depending on the ambient temperature and humidity , the body loses up to a liter of water through sweat and breath during sleep.

It is therefore not only important to ventilate the bed and bedroom in the morning, but also to replenish the fluid that has been lost.


Stimulates the metabolism

Most metabolic products are excreted in the urine. If you drink a large glass of water in the morning, you also wake up your kidneys, which start their work and ensure that toxins and metabolic products are broken down and excreted.

Wake yourself up

With a glass of water you wake up your circulation, your metabolism, your digestive tract, your brain – and thus also yourself! A glass of water in the morning refreshes and invigorates. Try it out, you will feel the positive effect!


How much water

It is not a bad idea to have a bottle of mineral water next to your bed. It doesn’t matter whether the water contains carbon dioxide or not. It should only be rich in minerals – and you should like it too.

In this way you make sure that you can meet your fluid requirements without much effort when you wake up thirsty at night. If the alarm clock rings in the morning, you can sit up and feed your body the important elixir of life in the first few minutes of the day.

Be honest: paddling into the kitchen half-awake reduces the chance that you will drink that glass of water in the morning! Place a large glass (approx. 300ml) on the bedside table, this will give you an idea of ​​how much to drink.

The rule of thumb for what water you need to consume every day is very simple: per kilo of body weight it should be around 40ml of water. So if you weigh 60kg, your personal amount of water you drink is 2.4 liters per day.

At 70kg that would be 2.8 liters, at 80kg 3.2 liters and so on. These values ​​increase if you do sports, sweat, travel in dry mountain air, with dry heating air or if you take dehydrating medication.

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