Mental Health: What Can Help?

Mental health can be improved with exercise, a healthy lifestyle, and certain habits and therapies. In this article, we will introduce you to some effective tips that will help you optimize your mental well-being!

Mental Health: What Can Help?

Mental health is about general mental wellbeing. This includes your own well-being and a good ability to process emotions and to lead relationships.

To achieve stable mental health, we need to work on our confidence, self-esteem, and stress management. Likewise, building good relationships with other people is a crucial aspect.

It’s important to know that being mentally healthy means a lot more than not being depressed or anxious. Let’s find out why!

Physical well-being is related to mental health

There is a Latin phrase that says “Mens sana in corpore sano”. Translated, this means: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. To achieve good mental health, we must remember to take care of our bodies.

When our physical well-being improves, so does our psychological well-being. Many people don’t know this, but exercise also has positive effects on the brain. It contributes to the release of endorphins, which chemically influence the state of mind.

A study by the University of the Basque Country found that physical activity induces a feeling of gratitude in the brain.

It also activates the brain’s reward system and the areas responsible for morality such as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, and the anterior cingulate cortex. These are related to the perception of emotions and motivation.

Pay attention to your habits

mental health

It is very important to look at our body as a whole and not as individual parts. The human body works in unison. Therefore, a good sleep rhythm and a healthy diet are essential for good mental health.

Likewise, we need to avoid harmful habits. Consuming alcohol or other stimulating substances changes mental health. Doctors insist that we avoid these drugs as they can cause serious mood swings in addition to creating an addiction problem.

A 2010 scientific study recommends yoga as the optimal treatment for addictions and bad habits, as this practice has both psychological and physical benefits.

Reduce stress to improve your mental health

Today our everyday life is often characterized by stressful situations and fears. This is why learning how to manage stress, or at least reducing it a bit, is important to improve mental health and general wellbeing.

The aim is to compensate for all these negative feelings in our everyday life with little things that make us happy or relax us. You can also try relaxation exercises such as yoga or Pilates.

Short trips out of town or out of a negative environment can also go a long way toward improving your mental health.

Express your opinion

It’s normal to feel scared or nervous at times to express your opinion or feelings. Nobody wants to feel rejected or insulted in a group. Therefore it is often a little difficult to speak freely.

But keeping feelings, preferences, or ideas to yourself can lead to mental health problems. You have to learn to express yourself freely and without fear. This will help you feel a sense of freedom and calm.

mental health through support groups

Mental health therapies

In addition to these tips, there are a few other ways you can improve mental health. On the one hand there is psychotherapy. There are several types, but most have similar benefits:

  • They give you the tools you need to better manage conflicts and change limiting beliefs.
  • They offer support and discretion which helps to let off steam.
  • They are also very useful for getting to know yourself better.

Support groups are another alternative for improving mental health. They are formed around a common, specific problem and offer friendships, support and examples for improvement.

Medicine also plays an important role in certain mental health problems. There are certain medical treatment options that are scientifically based that can significantly improve symptoms. However, their use depends on the type of disease and the patient. In some cases, inpatient treatment may be necessary.


In conclusion, it can be said that every person benefits from certain measures or treatments in different ways. So if something is putting your mental health at risk, you should see a specialist as soon as possible. Psychologists and psychiatrists are people who can help you improve your life and your mental wellbeing.

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