4 Sentences You Should Never Say To A Doctor

Don’t forget that your doctor is an expert and knows exactly what steps need to be followed to make a correct diagnosis.

4 sentences that you should never say to the doctor

Are you looking for information on the Internet to go to the doctor well prepared and worrying a lot about what exactly you will say in practice?

Don’t forget all of the years your doctor studied to earn his title. It is a serious job with a very long training period.

For this reason, you should  show respect and refrain from making certain statements. After all, it’s not about insulting the doctor or knowing better, because they are specialists whose goal is to save lives.

Preparing for the appointment with the doctor

Before you go to the doctor, make an appointment; more is usually not necessary. Don’t worry about complicated medical terms, your doctor will explain what this is about in an easy way.

Some people don’t want to waste time visiting a doctor, others prefer self-diagnosis to save money.

Unfortunately, this can also go wrong, you should trust your doctor and get a second expert opinion if you have justified doubts.

In any case, you should avoid the following sentences when consulting your doctor:

1. “I am sure that it is about this disease …”

Search for information on the Internet

New technologies make it easier to find information. If you have a headache, you can simply ask the Google doctor and with one click you get many answers. Many think they already know everything.

When a family member finally persuades you to see a doctor, the first thing you might make a pointless comment.

You think you know everything, but that doesn’t help the doctor much. If you fixate on finding the answer in the internet search engine, you may never get rid of your suffering.

Doctors have a long history of study and most of them have extensive experience in their field. So when you tell your doctor that you’ve already analyzed the symptoms online, you’re  making them feel like you don’t trust their professionalism. 

Even if many articles are written by doctors on the Internet, only a direct medical examination can provide clarity. However, many patients self-diagnose before hearing a doctor’s opinion.

That wouldn’t be a problem if there wasn’t a risk of  a misdiagnosis. For example, a nosebleed does not always indicate an allergy; there can be other conditions behind it as well.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow the correct protocol in order to get a correct medical diagnosis.

2. “This is the result of stress”

It has been scientifically proven that stress can lead to illness. Cancer and heart problems are an example of this.

However, you should give  due importance to the symptoms that are present. 

For example, headaches are not always caused by stress. If your headache is intense, you should definitely see a doctor.

It is a sign that something is wrong with your health and your body is giving you a signal about it.

If you experience stress, your doctor will recommend that you make lifestyle changes.

3. “I think I just lost time with it”

Many are afraid that going to the doctor will only waste time. Waiting patiently in the doctor’s office is almost impossible when there is still a lot of work to be done.

Another excuse to delay seeing a doctor is  to think that you will only get the diagnosis that you have already made yourself. 

The medical profession requires special dedication. Doctors see many patients who just complain and don’t want to hear the doctor’s warnings.

Even so, they worry about your health and are usually far more patient than their patients.

Some people, by disregarding medical advice, only  make their condition worse. 

You have probably never heard a doctor say, “I was just wasting my time.” He likes to see his patients again as if it were their first visit.

So do not think that it is a waste of time. It is always good to check your health if symptoms are present. Of course, preventive medical checkups are also very important.

Cardiologist Suzanne Steinbaum, director of  Women’s Heart Health at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City, notes:

“It is preferable to go to the emergency room with chest pain (or uncomfortable feeling) and go home with heartburn medication than having a heart attack at home.”

4. “Aren’t you a doctor at all?”

Man at the doctor's

This sentence is also very annoying for any specialist. Doctors, too, are people and have feelings; they don’t have to put up with everything.

It is important to show respect and be polite, because you, too, expect the doctor to treat you like this.

Listen carefully to  what the doctor has to say to you. Maybe you weren’t paying attention because you were worried that this wasn’t a real expert.

If you have not understood everything, you should not lose your shape. Even if the doctor really doesn’t feel like listening to you, you have no right to insult him. Find another doctor!

Be aware of what you say

You are the master of your silence and the slave of your words. As soon as these escape your mouth, you can no longer control how the other person reacts to them.

A simple sentence like the examples above can hurt even specialists. Therefore, think carefully about what you are saying in order to build a good relationship with your doctor.


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