Lavender As Lemonade For Headaches And Tension

Lavender lemonade can help us to relieve tension and anxiety and to treat headaches. However, this also takes some time, because the lavender can only work if we try to relax

Lavender as a lemonade for headaches and tension

Sometimes the simplest remedies are still the most effective. We have known the use of lavender to treat headaches, tension and even anxiety for a long time and the effects of this medicinal plant were known even in ancient times.

For example, a cloth used to be moistened with lavender water and then placed on the forehead of those affected to treat nervousness and tension.

Lavender is a natural medicine and we are fortunate to have inherited the knowledge of its effects from our ancestors, because the ancient healing methods are as effective today as ever.

In articles on how to make your own soaps, perfumes and room fragrances, we have often sent you on a search for essential lavender oil.

In all these forms, lavender has a relaxing effect and today we would like to explain to you how you can make yourself equally effective lavender lemonade.

Lavender lemonade is ideal for those days when we come home completely exhausted, bring headaches with us from the tension of the day and the stress does not let us calm down. You will see how well it works.

Lavender, a medicinal plant that helps relieve headaches and anxiety


It is often said that the scent of lavender is one of the most intoxicating scents. That is why the ancient Romans took lavender baths and after a while they were able to leave the bath smelling and relaxed.

The word “lavender” also comes from this time, from “Lavándalu”, which in turn is derived from the verb “lavar” and that means something like “wash, clean”.

In the name of the medicinal plant there is already an indication that with its help we cleanse ourselves both internally and externally. Impurities and tensions can be loosened.

Lavender can be found in various forms in health food stores and pharmacies: as a dried plant, as an essential oil, processed into teas or soaps …

But what are the advantages of lavender exactly?

  • Lavender essential oil contains more than 150 active ingredients that can be used to relieve anxiety and stress. We can take it as tea, indulge in lavender baths or simply enjoy its scent.
  • Lavender has anti-inflammatory effects and is also antiseptic, antibacterial, detoxifying, antidepressant, relaxing and even slightly sedating.
  • Lavender has been used to treat nervousness since time immemorial, as we have already mentioned. In aromatherapy lavender is one of the most commonly used plants.
  • Lavender is also very often used in the treatment of headaches. If we enjoy it in the form of lemonade, we will notice how tension-induced headaches will go away.

The benefits of combining lavender and lemon


In the remedy for tension and headache presented here, we fall back on a very healthy, delicious combination.

Lavender and lemon. We have already reported in detail about the effects of lavender, but you may be wondering what the lemon has to do with it?

  • Lemon is a natural source of vitamin C and many minerals. It enables the organism to maintain a balanced electrolyte balance, and without electrolytes the vast majority of all biochemical processes in our body could not take place.
  • The lemon enhances the effects of the lavender : it also reduces inflammation, stimulates simultaneously and promotes healthy circulation.
  • Many people resort to lavender and lemon to dispel headaches and continue to combine these key ingredients with water and Himalayan salt.

… we combine the ingredients a little differently and use them to make lemonade. Well worth trying!

How to make lavender lemonade to treat headaches and tension


Ingredients for one liter of lemonade

  • 3 tbsp dry lavender (30 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 lemons (organically grown)
  • 1 tbsp honey (25 g)
  • a couple of ice cubes
  • 1 large mug


  • We’ll start by making a lavender infusion. To do this, we heat half a liter of water in the tea kettle. As soon as the water boils, we add the dried lavender and also some honey. Let the infusion boil for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • When it’s done, let it steep for another ten minutes before draining it. Just keep the lavender water. The lavender water does not have to look as purple as in the picture above – the color the infusion takes on depends on a number of factors, but of course in particular on the plant.
  • When the infusion is well done, we add the second half of the water.
  • Now the lemons are squeezed in order to obtain their juice. Also, save the zest of a lemon.
  • Add the lemon juice to the lavender infusion. Cut the lemon peel into pieces and place them in the jug you want to use to serve your lavender lemonade.
  • On warm days you can add a few more ice cubes, then your lavender lemonade will be even more refreshing.

At this point we would like to emphasize again that the lavender lemonade can only work as desired if you take a break of at least half an hour.

The lemonade can then help you switch off, calm your nerves, and stimulate blood circulation.

It’s important to know that consuming lavender – as a tea, soda, or essential oil – is not recommended for children under the age of six. People who suffer from Crohn’s disease, gastritis and ulcers should also refrain from using lavender .

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