Pears And Their Health-promoting Properties

Pears are highly recommended for the digestive system and can also reduce oxidative cell damage caused by free radicals and strengthen the immune system when consumed daily.

Pears and their health benefits

Pears taste delicious and can be processed in a variety of ways. They contain important nutrients and are available at any time of the year.

In today’s post you will learn more about the many benefits of pears, which are one of the best-tolerated types of fruit.

Pears as much as you want

Did you know that the pear is one of the fruits that cause the least allergies and that almost everyone can tolerate it without any problems?

Ripe pears in particular are very easy to digest  and are therefore recommended for stomach pains or heartburn.

They taste sweet, refreshing and delicious and provide important nutrients and few calories. Therefore, pears are also excellent for all those who want to lose weight.

Since this type of fruit also has a large proportion of water and it also has a filling effect, it is highly recommended in a wide variety of diets or as a dessert.

Pears are also a good choice for athletes, especially before training, as they contain simple sugars, including fructose.


The pear also helps to make up for excess lipids and proteins in the diet because it contains very little of them.

Pears are characterized by soluble and insoluble fiber and help break down bad cholesterol. The bowel functions can also be regulated with it.

The pectin it contains prevents constipation, detoxifies the organism and improves glucose intolerance.

The pear is also distinguished by vitamins of the B complex, as well as vitamins C and E. In addition, 2 pears a day provide 10% of the daily amount of folic acid.

Even more benefits of the pear

If, despite all of the advantages mentioned, you are still not convinced that you should eat a pear every day, then we can give you more reasons why.

For example, pear juice protects the cardiovascular system, supplies calcium, which is of particular importance for the bones of children, and also supplies the organism with iron, which can increase the number of red blood cells.

Those who suffer from goiter should also eat pears regularly as they are high in potassium. In the case of fluid retention, this type of fruit is also recommended to drain the fluid stored in the tissue.
Anyone who suffers from diarrhea, gastritis or ulcers should not doubt that they should eat one or two pears a day.  Pears also promote the production of gastric juices and help cleanse the liver and pancreas.

How many pears should you eat each day and in what way?

This delicious fruit is recommended to everyone, but especially to those who suffer from the following ailments:

  • high blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • cholesterol
  • chronic constipation (eat with the shell!)
  • Anemia
  • sensitive stomach
  • Fluid retention
  • Diarrhea and colic
  • Goiter
  • diabetes
  • Obesity

Pears are also recommended for babies who switch from breast milk to other foods, for children and adolescents of growing age and for athletes before and during training.

fresh pears

Do not consume more than three pears a day, doctors point out that one is sufficient.

There is a pear diet that consists of consuming 1 kg of pears a day for ten days to lower high blood pressure and improve kidney function.

Pears can be eaten raw as dessert or at any time of the day. Some prefer the fruit with the peel (wash it well beforehand and preferably in organic quality!), Others peeled.

In combination with blue cheese, dried fruits, cold cuts and salad with cress or endive, they taste excellent. This type of fruit is also very popular in cold soups or as an accompaniment to red meat.

One pear a day to promote health

We have already mentioned many of the excellent properties of the pear and after reading this article you will surely want to buy some right away.

But there are even more ways to benefit from this type of fruit if you consume one every day all year round.

Against free radicals

Free radicals are known to provoke cell damage and, in the long term, lead to cognitive decline or premature aging. The pear has a strong antioxidant effect and consequently helps in the fight against harmful free radicals.

pear-for-mixed drink

Control diabetes

Pears have a low glycemic index and are therefore also ideal for diabetics, especially if they are in the mood for something sweet.

After eating a pear, the first thing that is absorbed is the carbohydrates it contains. So the sugar levels can be checked.

Protects heart health

If someone in your family or yourself has had a heart attack or has heart problems, then pears are an excellent preventative measure.

This is due to the abundance of fiber that  breaks down bile salts and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL). At the same time, one pear a day reduces the risk of a stroke by 50%.

Cancer prevention

Here, too, fiber is important because it  helps to remove cancer-promoting substances.

Since these do not accumulate in the intestines, the risk of cancer can be reduced.

In addition, postmenopausal women who eat a pear every day are 34% less likely to develop cancer.


It should not be forgotten that the pear also strengthens the immune system, provides energy and relieves pain caused by  inflammation.

What are you waiting for? You too can benefit from the daily pear!

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