5 Self-made Hair Treatments That Strengthen The Hair

These masks support hair care. Don’t forget, however, that nutrients from within are also very important.

5 homemade hair treatments that will strengthen the hair

Beautiful hair is the dream of many. The healthier the hair structure, the more beautiful the hair. Therefore, today we would like to tell you about 5 homemade hair treatments that could strengthen hair in a very natural way.

Unhealthy diet, improper styling, perms, hair color, brighteners, sunlight, sea water and dry heated air are just a few factors that can make healthy hair dull, dry and brittle.

Of course, the cosmetics industry has already brought expensive remedies on the market, but there are also homemade hair treatments made from ingredients that everyone in the household has – and that taste good !

Homemade hair treatments

Honey as a hair treatment

Homemade hair treatments: honey

Even the list of ingredients reads delicious:

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of oil

Process the two ingredients into a smooth pulp and distribute evenly in the hair. So that the hair treatment does not stain clothes or towels, first wrap your hair in plastic wrap, then in a towel.

Heat supposedly increases the effect. If you like, you can therefore carefully heat the mass in a water bath before applying it. After the exposure time, wash out with a mild shampoo.

Egg yolks also strengthen hair

Egg yolk strengthens the hair

Pee Longstocking already beat an egg over her head to strengthen her red hair. It is said that egg yolks give the hair outside strength.

There is lecithin in the egg yolk. This fat-like substance cares for the hair fiber from the outside and protects it from drying out. Lemon juice brings shine to the hair as the acid restores the hair flakes.


  • 1 egg
  • 1 – 2 tablespoons of oil
  • A squeeze of lemon juice

First separate the yolks from the whites. Then mix the egg yolks with the oil to a whitish cream and apply to dry hair.

So that the mass does not dry out, wrap the hair with plastic wrap and leave it on for half an hour. Then wash your hair and style as usual.

Avocado mask for hair

Tropical cure


  • ½ avocado
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • A squeeze of lemon juice

    First, finely puree the avocado half with a fork or a hand blender to a velvety pulp. Then mix in the oil and lemon juice.

    Then apply the mixture to the hair and leave it wrapped in cling film or in a plastic bag for half an hour or longer.

    Finally, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. If you want, you can eat the leftovers right away or enjoy them on toasted white bread with olive oil.

    Coconut oil helps the hair

    South Seas cure


    • 1 egg
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
    • A squeeze of lemon juice

    First separate the yolks from the whites. Then mix the egg yolks with the coconut oil and lemon juice. The fragrant hair treatment  then apply to dry hair and wash out in the end after 30 minutes of exposure.

    The scent of coconut oil stays in your hair and reminds you of your tropical care experience all day long!

    Quark for healthy hair

    Homemade hair treatments: Quark makes you strong!

    Quark and yoghurt contain milk protein, which is said to be similar to keratin – the natural building block of hair.


    • 150g quark (cream)
    • 1 egg
    • 2 tablespoons of oil
    • 1 teaspoon honey

    First separate the egg and keep using only the yolk. Mix it with the honey and the oil to form a cream and then mix it thoroughly with the quark.

    It is important not to use low-fat quark for this, as the milk fat is also supposed to nourish your hair. Low-fat quark is not creamy enough and dries out quickly on the hair.

    Apply the hair treatment to damp hair (towel-dry) and put on a shower cap so that the treatment does not dry out. Wash off after at least 20 minutes exposure time.

    homemade hair treatments for strengthening

    Basic information:

    All homemade hair treatments have in common that they should be covered with a plastic cap (made of cling film, a plastic bag or a shower cap).

    This increases the effect and prevents the cure from drying out. Heat is also good for making the mixture work even better. So put on your hat or wrap a warm towel around your head!

    Then wash the hair with a mild shampoo to remove any residue.

    It shouldn’t feel oily anymore, but it should n’t be washed with too aggressive shampoo either, in order to “wash out” the effect immediately.

    If you have frizzy locks, you can shampoo just the hairline after the treatment and rinse the rest of the treatment with lukewarm water. This makes the curls jump particularly nicely!

    But there is one thing you should always keep in mind when using homemade hair treatments: The mixed mixtures can only be kept for about a day.

    You should use up any leftovers within this time and keep them in the refrigerator until then.

    Or simply finish up – because all the ingredients come from your kitchen! And now have fun mixing and maintaining!

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