Why You Should Always Have Lemon, Garlic And Onions In The House

If you always have fresh lemon, garlic and onions in the house, you have an effective medicine cabinet

Why you should always have lemon, garlic, and onions around the house

Lemon, garlic and onion offer you so many different uses to alleviate various ailments that you should always have these three ingredients for various home remedies fresh in your household.

Lemon, garlic and onions for home remedies of all kinds!

With a fresh lemon, fresh garlic and onions you can prepare all sorts of home remedies and thus alleviate or treat a wide variety of everyday ailments and diseases.

It is therefore not only for culinary reasons (delicious!) To always have these three ingredients in stock.

In the following, we will explain to you what properties each ingredient has, how you can use it against which complaints and also give you simple tips on how to use it to give specific examples.

Try it!



The lemon is a potent natural remedy and has many uses.

Lemons support your immune system with their high vitamin C content and thus prevent colds, for example. Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant and lemons are particularly rich in vitamin C!

Antioxidants are our most important allies in the fight against highly reactive oxygen compounds, so-called free radicals, which are created in the body by influences such as UV radiation, exhaust gases, drugs and environmental toxins.

What follows from this is called oxidative stress, which causes the aging process to run faster and cancer can develop.

If you have citric acid problems, baking soda can help neutralize it. In this way you can enjoy all the positive properties of lemon, but you do without the acidity of the fruit.

Simply add a teaspoon of baking soda to the lemon juice. Watch out, it foams! Soda is available in stores under the names “Kaiser Natron”, “Bullrich Salt” or “Food Atron”.

It neutralizes acid (in this case: citric acid) and releases gas in the process: your juice bubbles!

What’s in the lemon?

Lemon contains healthy bitter substances. These have an appetite suppressant – if you do not “dampen” their bitterness with sugar or other sweeteners.

It is therefore important that you use the whole fruit if you want to use the citrus fruits to support a diet! In addition, these bitter substances work against bacteria, cancer and inflammation and lower cholesterol.

There are a lot of bitter substances in the zest of the lemon – especially in the white areas. This also applies to all other citrus fruits, but especially to grapefruits.

Basically, if you use any citrus fruit whole to get the bitter substances under the peel, they must be organically grown, it should be healthy and not toxic!

It is also important that you know that vitamin C is not heat stable and breaks down when cooked. Therefore, only use lemon juice in cold dishes such as desserts, smoothies, salads, juices, etc.

The bowl and its valuable bitter substances can be eaten cold and hot, e.g. in sauces, soups, pastries, cakes and with meat dishes, e.g. chicken or fish.



Garlic is not only a delicious kitchen spice, but also a well-known and traditional remedy.

Its ingredients can actually have an antibacterial effect and also prevent the formation of blood clots (thrombi).

There are many studies on lowering blood cholesterol, all of which suggest that garlic has the ability to lower blood lipid levels.

It is important to distinguish between two things: blood lipid levels and LDL cholesterol.

According to the study results, garlic is indeed able to lower total blood lipid levels, but not those of the “harmful” LDL cholesterol!

The LDL cholesterol can cause heart disease, arteriosclerosis and even Alzheimer’s and should therefore be reduced as a matter of principle if the doctor has found elevated values. And that’s exactly what you can’t do with garlic.

Since garlic also has an antibacterial effect, you can use a freshly cut clove of garlic to help heal canker sores, pimples or herpes, for example.

In the case of ear pain, it has also proven useful to stick a freshly cut clove of garlic in the ear and let the sulfur compounds of the garlic take effect there.



With their spicy essential oils, onions have an antibacterial and expectorant effect, which makes them ideal for use against coughs.

For example, children are given onion compresses against coughs to allow the beneficial effects of the spicy tuber to have an external effect on the airways.

For a breast wrap with onions, depending on the size of the child’s breast, several onions are finely chopped and heated.

This is practically possible in the microwave. Then place the warm (not too hot!) Onion cubes on a thin (gauze) cloth on the child’s chest and cover with another cloth.

A terry towel over it. Leave it on for as long as the wrap feels warm. This will relieve the cough.

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