Tips For Diabetes: What Should You Watch Out For?

Anyone who suffers from diabetes has to be aware of a few things. These include, first and foremost, a healthy lifestyle and the advice of the attending physician. Below are a few tips for dealing with diabetes to make your life as a patient easier.

Tips for diabetes: what should be considered?

There are a few things to be aware of if you have diabetes. These include, first and foremost, a healthy lifestyle and the advice of the attending physician. Below are a few tips for dealing with diabetes to make your life as a patient easier.

In general, there are no ‘the’ tips for diabetes that are equally suitable for all sufferers. However, it is fundamental to control the carbohydrates ingested in order to keep blood sugar levels at the right level. It is therefore important to know the different types of food and to choose them according to your own blood sugar level.

It should also be taken into account that not all carbohydrates raise blood sugar in the same way. This depends on their glycemic index: those with a high index make blood sugar rise faster than those with a medium or low index.

The latter are therefore those that are often mentioned in connection with tips for diabetes. If carbohydrates with a high glycemic index are consumed, they should be combined with a food with a low index.

Importance of nutrient intake

If you are also wondering how to plan your diet and what ingredients to choose, it is important to know the types and amounts of carbohydrates that each food group has.

Plant-based foods are divided into those that contain starch and those that do not. The former include potatoes, corn, and peas. Since they are high in carbohydrates, they should be consumed in moderate amounts.

In contrast, the non-starch foods such as Swiss chard, cauliflower, tomatoes and carrots are low in carbohydrates and therefore have a low glycemic index. They are also rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, which is why they should not be missing for tips on diabetes.

While fruit also contains carbohydrates, most varieties have a low glycemic index. Doctors recommend including them in your diet based on their nutrients. Raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are suitable options because they are not high in carbohydrates but high in antioxidants and vitamins.

In the case of dried fruits, it is necessary to pay special attention to the portions: just two tablespoons of raisins absorb up to 15 grams of carbohydrates.

Grains (wheat, rice, oats) and their derivatives like flour are one of the main sources of carbohydrates. For this reason, it is very important to reduce their amount and pay attention to their degree of delicacy.

As a general rule, it is recommended to use wheat products, which contain more nutrients and have a lower glycemic index.

If the goal is to control blood sugar levels, processed products made from refined flour are not advisable – especially because they often contain a lot of sugar.

Also read: The right diet for type 2 diabetes

Breakfast for diabetes

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Tips for diabetes

In order to manage your diabetes, it is essential that you control your diet. Here are a few helpful tips:

  • Plan your weekly menu and calculate the amount of carbohydrates for each dish.
  •  Make a grocery list of healthy foods and try to buy them in advance so that you have them handy when you prepare.
  • If you are still hungry after eating, you can have a salad without starch but with a light dressing afterwards. It will make you feel full without adding too much coal to your body.
  • Choose whole grains instead of refined ones . Take a look at the labels to make sure the main ingredient is whole grains.
  • Try replacing foods with a high glycemic index with foods with a low one. There are good substitutes, for example a side dish of potatoes can be replaced with sweet potatoes, which have a low index.
  • Check your blood sugar levels before each meal to choose suitable foods. While you can use a standard blood glucose meter, new technologies are emerging that make this task easier. This includes, for example, the continuous measuring devices that record the blood sugar values ​​using a sensor implanted in the arm and send it directly to the patient’s cell phone.

    Other diabetes tips to keep in mind

    Finally, you should always consult your doctor before changing your diet in any way. He can explain why one option is preferable over the other based on your health.

    The more carefully you pay attention to your diet, the easier it will be for you to make the adjustments necessary to live healthily – without having to give up your preferences.

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