How To Get Your Food Addiction Under Control

Miracle diets promise spectacular results after a short time and without much effort. They are mostly used just before summer for the famous Mission bikini. However, food addiction is difficult to control on strict diets.

How to get a grip on your food addiction

Many diets fail because you have to do without certain foods. It is often difficult to control cravings, so today we are going to show you various methods  to get a grip on food addiction.

Don’t do “miracle diets”

Avoid miracle diets and get a grip on food addiction

These diets promise spectacular results in a short amount of time and with little effort. Mostly they are used just before summer for the famous Bikini Mission. However, food addiction  is difficult to control on strict diets.

The most Advice miracle diets are wrong and harmful to health. 

Some examples:

  • Food combining by Hay: It began to spread in the 1920s, recommending avoiding protein and carbohydrates in the same meal. This is an example of completely inaccurate information, even if the consequences are not too dire.
  • Atkins diet: this diet consists of reducing carbohydrates as much as possible, for example cereals, milk, legumes and sugared products.

Even if a healthy diet shouldn’t contain too many carbohydrates, these are important nutrients that we shouldn’t be without.

  • Dukan Diet: This diet is based on the consumption of protein-rich foods such as meat, fish and eggs. The main problem is that it is not particularly balanced and can therefore be harmful to your health.

    In general, miracle diets have the effect that more fat is accumulated in the body after completion and the dreaded yo-yo effect occurs. In this way , the body tries to compensate for the nutrient deficit during the diet.  All the effort is in vain.

    Don’t skip breakfast

    If you want to manage your food addiction, you shouldn't skip breakfast

    Skipping breakfast is a very common mistake many people make in their daily diet. If you want to lose weight and control your diet, it is important not to skip the first meal of the day.

    Otherwise, you’ll be so hungry and restless at lunchtime that you won’t be able to control yourself at all at lunch.

    • Instead of skipping breakfast or eating less, replace saturated fat like butter or pastries with other foods like fruits or grains.
    • This will make your diet more balanced and nutritious.

    5 meals a day

    Overcoming food addiction is especially difficult when you are hungry. That’s why you should eat several meals throughout the day, i.e. three main meals and two snacks.

    This helps against the feeling of hunger and the desire for sweets. In order for you to follow this advice, you should adjust your schedule so that you can eat the five meals.

    Get a grip on food addiction with 5 meals a day

    Don’t forbid any food

    If you forbid certain foods altogether,  you will think about them particularly often and develop a great desire for them. If you are not following a vegetarian or vegan diet, or if you avoid certain foods for other moral reasons, it is best not to forbid yourself to anything.

    However, you should only eat less healthy or very high-calorie foods in small amounts. These include, for example: sweets, chocolate, ice cream, candies …

    By cutting out certain foods on just one day of the week, you can continue to eat what you like while controlling the amount.

    You should also sit down to eat and take your time. This will make you feel full faster. If you eat slowly, you will ingest smaller amounts overall.

    If you are extremely hungry and restless before meals, this point is especially important for you.

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