Mouthwash: 3 Natural Recipes Against Bad Breath

You should not only notice yourself when you suffer from bad breath, but also look for alternatives that help us to combat it. With these natural mouthwash recipes, you’ll be able to socialize freely again.

Mouthwash: 3 natural recipes for bad breath

Most of us have bad breath now and then. However, it becomes problematic if it occurs repeatedly or becomes a constant. Colleagues, friends, and even family members can be offended. Because of this, bad breath can become a real social problem where mouthwash can be part of the solution.

Bad breath has a variety of causes, but the main one is caused by poor dental hygiene. If we don’t brush and floss our teeth regularly, bits of food stick between our teeth and start to go bad. This is where the bad breath comes from.

Bad breath and its causes

Most of the time, bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth area. These bacteria can be found on the tongue. This is the case when we are not brushing our teeth properly, are thirsty, or have dry mouths. This is what happens with some drugs that have side effects that inhibit the flow of saliva in the mouth.

3 natural mouthwashes to improve bad breath

1. Mint, anise and rosemary mouthwash                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Mouthwash made from natural ingredients

We know mint mainly from the kitchen, where it is used in various recipes, and also from the field of oral hygiene. This plant not only gives us its freshness, but also has various health benefits. 

Rosemary is a plant that has been used as a remedy as well as in gastronomy, cosmetics and hygiene since ancient times.

Anise has an anti-germ effect that prevents bacteria from growing. The secretions of these microorganisms are mostly responsible for bad breath.


  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)
  • 1 bunch of mint leaves (9 g)
  • 1 spoonful of aniseed (12 g)
  • Ribbon rosemary (9 g)


  • First we put three cups of water in a container over a medium flame.
  • Then we add the mint leaves along with the aniseed seeds. Finally, add the rosemary to the mixture.
  • When the water starts to boil, we take it off the stove and let it cool for 7 minutes.
  • Then we put the mouthwash in a glass.
  • We should use it every time we brush our teeth.

2. Parsley and clove mouthwash

Parsley is high in vitamins A and C, calcium and iron. That being said, their high chlorophyll content (the substance that makes plants green) helps eliminate toxins, improve digestion, cleanse the intestines, and neutralize strong odors.

Cloves have antibacterial agents.   Eugenol extract also has a very effective anesthetic effect. That is why it is used in dentistry as a treatment for tooth decay and other problems. 


  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)
  • 2 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 spoon of cloves (9 g)


  • We put the water in a saucepan and warm it over medium heat.
  • Then we wash the parsley and add it to the water along with the cloves.
  • We let the whole thing stand for a few minutes. When the water boils, we turn off the stove and let it cool down a bit.
  • Then we strain the tea and keep it.
  • After each time we brush our teeth, we use the mouthwash for about 10 minutes.

3. Cinnamon and eucalyptus mouthwash for bad breath

green tea with cinnamon

Cinnamon contains germ-inhibiting ingredients that stop bacteria from developing  and thus prevent bad breath. Cinnamon has nearly 50 aromatic principles, this is due to its richness in terpenes.

Eucalyptus, on the other hand, has a germicidal effect. It helps remove the remains between our teeth that cause bad breath.


  • 5 cinnamon sticks
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml).
  • 1 spoon of eucalyptus leaves (9 g)


  • We heat the water and add the cinnamon and eucalyptus leaves.
  • At the boiling point, we take the water off the stove and let the tea brew.
  • Finally, we strain off the water and use it as a mouthwash for 10 minutes after each brushing.

We were all afraid to speak to someone because we were afraid of our bad breath. Try these mouthwashes and you will notice the difference. Talking to someone or kissing someone will no longer be a problem.

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