Asparagus: Why Does The Urine Smell So Strong Afterwards?

In some people, the urine smells very intense after consuming asparagus. But this is not always the case. Find out today why this is the case and why not everyone perceives the strong smell.

Asparagus: why does the urine smell so strong afterwards?

Different foods change the odor of urine and that includes asparagus. This is due to the aspartic acid that is present in these vegetables. The metabolism of this acid produces methanethiol, a breakdown product that is responsible for the foul odor that the urine gives off .

The metabolism of aspartic acid also produces dimethyl sulfide, a sulfur compound that additionally intensifies the strong odor. But this process is not the same for everyone. Whether the urine smells strongly after eating asparagus or not depends on a specific gene in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

Find out more about this interesting topic today!

Not everyone notices the strong odor that the urine gives off after eating asparagus

Just as a gene decides whether or not these substances are formed after eating asparagus, not everyone is able to perceive the strong odor of urine. Only 40 percent of the population react sensitively to this.

This is also due to the DNA of each individual. However, there are tricks to avoid or at least lessen the foul smell:  Drink more water or consume other diuretic foods. You can achieve that the urine is not as concentrated and therefore smells less strong.

Often it is women who do not notice the strong smell. Typically, the female gender is more precise in scent perception, but this is not the case in this case. 

One of the reasons for this is that the odor is not felt as strongly in the position women are in when emptying their bladder.

This phenomenon has not yet been adequately researched  and we do not yet know how important the corresponding gene is in order to be able to draw conclusions from it.

Why the urine smells pungent after eating asparagus

Diuretic foods so that the urine does not smell so intense after eating asparagus

Various foods increase urine production and stimulate urination. Good examples of this are pineapple and tea. 

These foods are very beneficial for fluid retention in the tissue, for example. However, they also have the ability to weaken the strong odor of the urine, as it decreases the urine concentration. 

In addition, they clean the organism by excreting more urine and thus also removing residues and pollutants from the body.

That is why it is important to drink enough water so that the body does not become dehydrated. In general, two liters of water a day is recommended to maintain a balanced fluid balance. 

However, larger amounts may be required when it is hot and humid. This is also the case when you exercise and lose a lot of fluids through sweating.

If you drink enough and consume diuretic foods at the same time, you are also maintaining kidney health.

Other properties of asparagus

Asparagus are rich in minerals like potassium. In addition, this vegetable is also characterized by a high proportion of vitamins C and B. It also provides valuable fiber and therefore has a filling effect. In addition, asparagus are low in calories and therefore perfect in a weight loss diet.

It should not be forgotten that asparagus is a very versatile vegetable. You can use it to prepare numerous delicious dishes: salads, soups or steamed or fried asparagus …

You can also simply preserve asparagus and alternate it with green and white asparagus so that it doesn’t get boring. How about a delicious quiche with asparagus?

Cream of asparagus soup: for some, the urine is strict afterwards

Final remark

After being metabolized, asparagus produces substances that make the urine smell very unpleasant. However, the pungent odor generated by these sulfur-containing breakdown products cannot be perceived by everyone.

Asparagus can be used in many ways in the kitchen and is also very beneficial in diets due to its diuretic effect. These vegetables also contain important fiber and are low in calories. It should therefore not be missing in any nutrition plan. The preparation options are diverse, so what are you waiting for? You too can benefit from all the advantages of green or white asparagus spears.

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