The Benefits Of Black Garlic

To take full advantage of the benefits of black garlic, we should eat it on an empty stomach, although we can incorporate it into various recipes. Due to its energizing properties, it is not recommended to consume garlic before bed.

The benefits of black garlic

If you’ve read that eating black garlic on an empty stomach is very good for your health, but you do n’t want to spend all day with that characteristic taste in your mouth, then we have great news for you.

Benefit from the positive properties of black garlic ! It increases your immune system and you don’t have to brush your teeth all the time.

Interesting facts about black garlic

Benefits of black garlic

Also known as “aged garlic”, black garlic is made through a process of cooking or ripening. The result is a dark vegetable with a higher concentration of nutrients than the “conventional” vegetable.

Black garlic is very popular in Asia, especially Japan, where it is used as a condiment for many dishes.

The process of making black garlic is simple: the cloves are fermented under certain temperature (around 70 ° C) and humidity (85 to 90%) conditions.

No yeast or bacteria are added. It’s a slow process, but the result is a natural remedy that is increasingly being consumed in Europe and America.

The taste of the black garlic is slightly sweet and a little bit sour at the same time. The cloves of garlic shrink significantly, but concentrate more healing properties.

In addition, it doesn’t smell as extreme as ordinary garlic. Despite its charred appearance, the texture is soft and creamy, making black garlic ideal for spreading on bread, cooking or eating on an empty stomach, for example.

It has become a nutritional ally, a great supplement and superfood that you should also benefit from on a regular basis.

Although the exact origins of black garlic are unclear, it is believed that it came from the work of a Japanese scientist who wanted to remove the strong odor from white garlic and smoked it for several hours to do this.

Later the benefits of the “new” food became known and the ingredient found its way to other latitudes.

What is black garlic used for?

Aged garlic has a myriad of properties. For example, its antibiotic, diuretic, antioxidant and digestive effects can be highlighted, but of course it has many more positive properties.

  • It contains sulfur compounds, linolenic acid and polyphenols.
  • It also provides 18 of the 20 amino acids and 8 essential amino acids found in nature.
  • Its capabilities are ten times greater than that of fresh garlic.

Some of the benefits of consuming it are:

It prevents cardiovascular diseases

Black garlic is a great ally of cardiovascular health as it is antioxidant and antihypertensive (thanks to its allicin content).

It makes the blood more fluid, reduces platelet aggregation and minimizes the risk of vascular occlusion or thrombosis.

It’s a great diuretic

By delivering a good dose of potassium, this garlic is recommended for people with fluid retention, edema, or kidney problems.

Black garlic on an empty stomach removes excess water in the body.

Increases collagen

Anyone who has skin problems (from dermatitis to acne, psoriasis or rosacea) as well as certain joint problems should consume raw garlic.

This food provides sulfur compounds (tiosulfinates), which promote the formation of collagen. It is also recommended for patients with arthritis and muscle pain.

Improves the immune system

Benefits of black garlic

If you get sick very often because your immune system is weakened, don’t hesitate to eat black garlic. It is a powerful home remedy for improving the body’s defenses and fighting viruses and bacteria.

Combats fatigue

The aged garlic is recommended for athletes or people who want to improve their physical endurance. It also helps combat chronic fatigue or exhaustion due to overwork or lack of regular sleep.

It’s a great antioxidant

Undoubtedly, black garlic is a great ally for preventing premature aging of cells and eliminating free radicals, excess of which can cause many diseases.

Treats respiratory diseases

Aged garlic is very good for reducing asthma or allergies, as well as for relieving colds, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and other common respiratory diseases.

Calms the nerves

Consuming black garlic can be a natural way of relieving excessive stress. It helps calm anxiety, combat insomnia, and reduce irritability or moodiness.

Other effects of black garlic

In addition to the properties already mentioned, black garlic combats constipation, lowers cholesterol and has anti-cancer properties due to its cysteine ​​content.

How is black garlic consumed?

Benefits of black garlic

Since it is “fashionable”, it is easy to get a bulb of black garlic from specialized food stores or health food stores.

Not only is it recommended by nutritionists and health experts, but it’s also a popular ingredient with renowned chefs in Asian, European, and American restaurants.

  • It is advisable to consume between 1 and 3 cloves of garlic a day – always on an empty stomach.
  • You can also spread it on a slice of bread or toast during breakfast.
  • It is important not to consume it just before resting times as it has an energizing effect and can cause insomnia in some people.

    Athletes choose to add a black clove of garlic to their shakes or consume it before a workout because it improves performance – even for top athletes.

    If you want, you can add black garlic to meals: in sauces, soups, cakes, rice or pasta; it is also ideal as an accompaniment to meat, fish or vegetables.

    You can keep garlic at room temperature in a plastic bag or glass jar for a year without any problems.

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