To Love Someone Who Is Already Married

If the person you love is already in a relationship and is unfaithful to you, why shouldn’t they cheat on you too?

To love someone who is already married

Loving someone who is already  married  is complicated and is often justified with the argument “where does love go …”. While you can’t avoid falling in love with someone who is married or in another relationship, there are certain things you need to be aware of, which can often have very negative consequences in life.

It is well known that love is blind, which is why we often make unconscious mistakes that we later regret. Loving a  married person  can be one of those mistakes, and it  can lead to great suffering. 

Today we invite you to reflect with us on the mistakes many make in this situation. Has this happened to you before?

Waiting (or hoping) for the married person’s relationship to end

Waiting (or hoping) for the married person's relationship to end

When you love someone who is already married or in a committed relationship, it very often happens that you are comforted and reassured by this person over and over again with the following words: “ I’m going to leave my wife / husband, I’m just waiting the appropriate time … “

These words awaken new hope in you, you are waiting for the person you love to finally become free to love only you.

In some cases, the married person makes it clear from the start  that they have no intentions to end the relationship, but are just looking for a change. In this case, everyone has to decide for themselves whether they can accept this or better end this relationship.

But mostly the secret “love” is put off with empty promises that never come true. If this situation does not change after a few months, hope is in vain because the married partner has other plans.

Many wait years for the loved one to give up the relationship with the steady partner. But the more time goes by, the more it becomes clear that this will never be the case, even if the loved one promises and swears it over and over again.

Therefore, it is important  to avoid this mistake and not wait forever for something that will never happen. Fine words have to be followed by deeds, otherwise they are worthless!

Hurt the other

Relationship with a married person

When you love someone who is already in a committed relationship,  you can provoke great suffering, consciously or unconsciously. In which way?

Wanting the loved one to end their relationship with their wife or husband can result in bad news and unfair treatment of them.

Sentences like “if she / he does this, she / he doesn’t love you anymore” or “maybe she / he also has a lover”… can be very destructive and actually lead to the married person ending his / her relationship.

You are not allowing the married person to make a decision for themselves. You fill his mind with negative and painful thoughts that can make him doubt  and lead to discussions with the steady partner.

This is how suffering and pain arise, great pain. You are not being honest and you do not allow the person you love to act freely. You are manipulating the situation to win the game for you. 

Do not think that the person you love will be faithful!

Infidelity of married people

A very common mistake that many make is believing that once the loved one has ended their committed relationship, they will be faithful. If someone is unfaithful in a current relationship and betrays their wife / husband, you cannot expect them to stop doing this afterwards.

Do you actually believe that the person you love will be loyal to you? Of course there are such cases,  but you cannot assume that because it is a person who knows and accepts infidelity. He’s already broken trust in his relationship, why shouldn’t he do that again?

You should be aware of this person’s values, do you actually believe that you will be different?

You shouldn’t have false expectations of someone, no matter how much you love them, but they’ve proven before that they don’t take loyalty that seriously.

Loving someone who is already in a relationship with someone else is a complicated situation and can do you a lot of harm. And not just you, also think about the cheated person, how will they feel comfortable? Will you be right?

But what is best to do when you fall in love with a married person? This question can only be answered individually by everyone.

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