6 Symptoms Of A Sick Gallbladder

The gallbladder is often removed when problems arise. But how do you recognize such problems?

6 symptoms of a sick gallbladder

Problems with the gallbladder are not uncommon. However, a diseased gallbladder is often discovered late because the symptoms are usually unknown or ambiguous.

Learn How To Spot Gallbladder Problems Today!

What does the gallbladder do?

The gallbladder is often called “bile”. Strictly speaking, “bile” is just the secretion that the liver excretes and that is then stored in the gallbladder.

So if someone tells you in the future, “I’ve got it with the bile,” then you know that it is the gallbladder that causes symptoms.

You too should recognize the signals from your body and learn which symptoms can have which causes and when. If in doubt, please always clarify everything with your doctor!

The gall bladder is a small organ of humans (and many animals) up to 12 cm in length and 5 cm in width and is located below the liver in the right abdominal cavity.

It almost looks like a thin pear. The gallbladder stores the bile produced by the liver. Bile is important so that we can digest fats.

Since the gallbladder is only a storage organ, it can also be removed if it is medically necessary.

However, after removing the gallbladder, you should avoid eating very fatty foods.

There are several diseases and ailments that affect the gallbladder, gallstones being the most popular of them. Inflammation of the gallbladder is also not uncommon.

We will show you which symptoms you can take as warning signs of a possible disease of your gallbladder :

Problems with the gallbladder lead to increased visits to the toilet

Symptoms of a sick gallbladder

Oily bowel movements

Every now and then, you should take a look at your bowel movements.

This is not possible with all toilets. If you do not have a so-called “flat washer” as a toilet bowl at home, get used to paying attention to it and using the opportunity whenever you are out and about in “strange” toilets.

Oily stool has a greasy shine because the dietary fats could not be digested optimally. This is especially noticeable if you have previously eaten fatty foods.

The most common cause of this is a gallbladder disorder or disease. The stool also smells noticeably different and the color is different than usual.
If you notice such a bowel movement, you will unfortunately not be spared a visit to the doctor!

Abdominal pain from diseased gallbladder

Colic in the upper abdomen

Colic is more than just a stomach ache. Colic means the strongest, movement-independent, pain that occurs in waves.

If you have this severe pain in the area of ​​the right upper abdomen, i.e. just below your costal arch, it could be that you have problems with the gallbladder.

The pain can also radiate to the back and right shoulder and is often described by those affected as almost unbearable.

There are pauses between colic, during which you are completely pain-free. Then the pain strikes again … Usually it is gallstones that cause such pain.

It is essential to see a doctor! Your doctor will then decide which measures (e.g. tablets) need to be taken.

“Jaundice” from a diseased gallbladder

If your skin turns yellow, your liver isn’t always sick ! Pay close attention to whether the white skin in your eye has turned yellow or whether you can already see a yellowish tinge on the skin of your face.

You don’t always notice such a change yourself, as it occurs gradually. Often times it is pointed out by people who have not seen you in a while.

This can, but does not have to be, due to a disease of the gallbladder, but it must be clarified by a doctor, as there is always a serious disease that must be treated urgently!

Woman has gallbladder problems and cannot tolerate food

Flatulence and bloating from a diseased gallbladder

Do you suffer from a bloated stomach, which is also known as a feeling of fullness, and from frequent drafts and can not attribute this to flatulent foods such as legumes (beans, lentils, peas etc.)

You haven’t eaten anything, but still feel oversaturated and have pressure on your stomach?

Then watch your body carefully to see if you have any other symptoms of gallbladder disease. If the flatulence persists for several days and you cannot see the reason for it, you should consult a doctor.

Woman has gallbladder problems and nausea

Nausea from a sick gallbladder

Nausea that you don’t know why should always be a cause for concern.

This can start with a slight discomfort, but develop into nausea and should definitely be clarified by a doctor if the nausea persists or you cannot determine the cause.

Fever from a diseased gallbladder

You notice yourself having a fever but don’t know where it’s coming from?

First, rule out any other causes that could cause your fever: you have no runny nose, no flu, no other complaints?

Then off to the doctor, because severe inflammation causes a fever ; even if you don’t notice the inflammation yourself!

With a blood draw, your doctor can determine if there is inflammation within half an hour and examine you further to find out whether something is wrong with your gallbladder.

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