Find The Answer In The Subconscious!

It is often better to make decisions in harmony with the subconscious.

Find the answer in the subconscious!

Sometimes the subconscious has known the solution to your problem for a long time, you just aren’t listening properly or you don’t dare to trust what it is telling you.

Have the courage to put more trust in your subconscious and think about it. Courage is not the absence of fear, but trust in your own abilities! Trust yourself and your subconscious!

The subconscious as a navigation system

Our subconscious controls us without us really noticing it. It is responsible for how we react to some things, how we act spontaneously and how our thoughts are controlled.

The subconscious is formed in the course of our life from all the experiences we have.

These experiences are a real wealth that we should build and rely on.

Take your subconscious seriously and let it guide you, like a navigation system that already knows the destination for you. What you lack for this to work is just the courage and the will to really do it. As so often in life, right?


The subconscious saves your life

The real purpose behind this is that we can react in a flash in dangerous situations. When our subconscious reports danger to us, we become vigilant, unconsciously sharpen all of our senses.

So why do you completely rely on this “seventh sense” in dangerous situations, but when it comes to decisions, don’t you?

With this seventh sense, you are able to make life-saving decisions without thinking – in a fraction of a second.

But why would you prefer to rely on advice from others when it comes to making other important decisions? Why don’t you trust yourself, why don’t you listen to your inner voice?


Researchers agree

Researchers think of themselves as sober people who probably prefer to trust studies, statistics, and research rather than their gut instincts.

But it was they who discovered astonishing things: “The more complex a decision, the more you should trust your unconscious,” says a Dutch social psychologist, Ap Dijksterhuis.

This is astonishing, because those who decide on their gut instinct often ignore information that is regarded as important and simply decide “just like that” according to their own secret wealth of experience, their internal navigation system.

Such decisions are made very quickly, even before the mind has logically analyzed and fathomed the pros and cons, the decision has long been made in the subconscious.

Study results show that – statistically speaking – you make better decisions in the long term if you listen to your gut feeling.


Listen to yourself, not to those around you

How many decisions have you made in which fear was a key factor? Definitely a lot. But where did the fear come from?

Most of the time, so the researchers, fear of the failure of a project, of exercising a “weird idea” or of realizing a dream is persuaded by our dear fellow human beings. But why do we listen to them?

If test subjects had made the decision before hearing the opinion of others, it would have been more positive and more daring. Because our subconscious knew that there was no danger, because this often only exists in the minds of others and not in our Bach feeling.

So it is not our own fear that (does not) make a decision, but that of the people we ask for advice.

So many projects are not realized and so many dreams do not come true because we have forgotten to listen to our inner voice. But you can change that if you want!


Go inside yourself!

Before making important decisions, be it personal or professional, try to listen to yourself and your intuition.

Because many of us have long forgotten this, because we have been taught to make decisions based on the expectations, fears, opinions and concerns of our fellow human beings, the following list could help you:

  • Am i honest And not to others, but to yourself? Are you lying to yourself with your own thoughts right now?
  • Does the decision really fit what I really want in my most secret interior?
  • What are the alternatives? Is this decision really the only one available to you?
  • If your gut instincts tell you something that sounds strange at first, does it have any negative consequences if you make the same decision as your gut suggests
  • Sometimes you mistake gut feelings for emotions, which are not the same thing. Let your negative or positive emotions fade away, free yourself from them and go inside, listen very carefully to your stomach: what, please, is it really saying?

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