Breakfast: How To Relieve Morning Headaches

Morning headaches are due to dehydration. To avoid this, it is important to drink enough at breakfast.

Breakfast: How to Relieve Morning Headaches

Morning headache.  If you have a headache in the morning, the whole day has already been going on for many. These occur relatively frequently and are sometimes accompanied by dizziness and dry mouth.

Morning Headache : What Are the Causes? What can we do? In this article we explain it.

Where does morning headache come from?

  • Did n’t eat anything in the evening: did you skip dinner? This is a mistake – if the body is deprived of nutrients, you often feel weak and have a headache in the morning.
  • Morning apnea headache (brief pauses in breathing during sleep): Many people have this problem and are unaware that small snores during sleep are due to apnea. And this can then cause headaches.
  • Excesses the night before:  bad or too much food at a party, the consumption of alcohol, lack of sleep, etc. can of course also cause headaches when waking up.
  • Bruxism:  This is grinding of teeth – this can occur at any age and cause severe headaches, especially in the cheek area; as a result, contractures of the cervical spine can also occur, which can cause additional headaches.
  • Incorrect sleeping position:  Pay attention to your sleeping position, which can then partially impede blood circulation.
  • Some medications: For example, anxiolytics can cause headaches if taken frequently.
  • Restless Legs Syndrome: This syndrome is very common; sleep is disturbed, which can then lead to headaches.
  • Insomnia: Sometimes sleeping pills cause headaches in the morning. Natural remedies are better.
  • Anxiety and depression:  Again, these are common triggers of morning headaches.
  • High blood pressure: High blood  pressure can then directly cause headaches.

3 breakfast menus for morning headaches

Option 1

pineapple cucumber
  • 1 glass of warm water with lemon,
  • 30 minutes afterwards a coffee or a ginger tea with mint,
  • Toast with olive oil,
  • a small bowl with pineapple pieces and cucumber slices (you can also use it to make a smoothie if you wish).

Breakfast starts with the lemon water. This cleanses the body of harmful substances. A bath half an hour or an hour before breakfast is also highly recommended – you may have time for this on the weekend.

Coffee is often very effective for headaches, so it’s on the list, but the effects are not the same for everyone – coffee can also have adverse effects under certain circumstances.

If it works well for you, you can also benefit from the stimulating effect. Otherwise, ginger tea is recommended , which has an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever effect.

Then you can  eat a toast with olive oil, which provides valuable fatty acids. Pineapple and cucumber are two great moisturizers that are high in vitamins and minerals. It is very important to drink enough fluids if you have a headache

Option 2

  • Strawberry infusion or juice
  • Coffee or chamomile tea 40 minutes later
  • Pineapple and Spinach Salad
  • Juice from a cucumber and half an apple

Here is an example of a nutritious breakfast that will provide plenty of energy to help get rid of the headache. Start with the cleansing drink here too  Make a smoothie out of five strawberries and a glass of water (no sugar!).

After 40 minutes or an hour, a cup of coffee or chamomile tea follows. Next, prepare a salad of sliced ​​pineapple and a handful of fresh spinach – pure energy!

Then there is the necessary liquid: Simply mix a  small cucumber and half an apple to make a smoothie.

Option 3

  • 1 glass of almond milk,
  • an oat sandwich with sliced ​​boiled egg and a few drops of olive oil. If you want, you can also make an omelette with small pieces of ham and celery.
  • 1 bowl with watermelon pieces, nuts and a few grapes.

Another nutritious breakfast. You start with almond milk. Almonds are good pain relievers for headaches. They are also rich in magnesium. Eggs contain the coenzyme Q10, which works extremely well.

You get the liquid from the grapes and the watermelon – both contain valuable nutrients and are very healthy. You will love this breakfast.

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